Last Day in Charlotte

Monday, April 04, 2016
Charlotte, North Carolina, United States
After several late nights in a row we slept in a bit this morning before heading a few blocks to a French bakery for breakfast and coffee. The food was good and the coffee better. We enjoyed the nice spring weather as we walked back to our hotel to set out for the day's activities.

Our first appointment is at Salvin Dental . Salvin Dental is a dental supply company that we purchase several items from. They are an exceptional company, offering great products and even greater service. We learned about there unique computer system called KLS (knucklehead lookup system) that manages all of their data and enables them to anticipate and meet customer needs. We saw there impressive phone support department, where calls are answered quickly by real, live people. Their inventory warehouse is neat and organized. Their shipping is queued up and ready to ship your order by FedEx. Their repair and inspection department ensures products meet the required specs before they leave the warehouse.

It is always fun to see well run businesses as we can learn some tips and tricks for our own business. Bob, Greg and William treated us to lunch at Macs for some southern BBQ. We ate outside in the midday sunshine. After lunch we bid farewell to our Salvin Dental friends.

Next stop is the Billy Graham Library . Just a few miles away we entered the lush treed grounds of the Billy Graham Library. A beautiful place that tells the story of Billy and Ruth Graham. While it tells their story the focus is clearly on Jesus, and His gift of grace for each one of us.

The Graham family home has been relocated a few miles from it original location to the library grounds. It is available for touring and is filled with family photos and furnishing from the thirties and forties. Behind the house is the library with a beautiful glass cross that you enter through. Inside is a mixed media, multi stage tour that tells you the story of Billy Graham and Ruth Graham. It tells the history of their ministry and highlights impact they have had over 60 years of service. They tour concludes with an invitation to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. They have pastoral team members available for prayer and study as well. The library features a book store filled with many great books by the Graham's and other Christian evangelists and authors . We found Scotty Smiley's Hope Unseen book on the shelves. The library also has a cafe with foods and dairy products as Billy was raised on a dairy farm. If you are in Charlotte the library is well worth a visit, even better on a beautiful spring day when you can enjoy paths and gardens.

Back to our hotel for a wardrobe change for Jack. He need some running time on a track so we are heading to a local Christian school that has a track to see if we can use it. We arrive just as the school is finishing their track practice. The coach and principal were very nice and allowed Jack to practice. He ran some warmups, an 800, and some 200 intervals.

Back to the hotel for another wardrobe change for Jack and then some dinner.

For dinner we walked a couple blocks to a Mediterranean restaurant called Levant. We arrived to a private dinning experience. Tonight the NCAA championship is on and North Carolina is playing so everyone is home or in a restaurant with tvs. Our waitress said that lunch is always busy but dinners can depend on events happening downtown. No worries, the food was delicious. We enjoyed some of the downtown art and architecture as we walked bat to the hotel. The kids grabbed some ice cream and popcorn to enjoy after dinner.

Another great day. Tomorrow we head for the mountains and then South Carolina.



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