Up early to get to Sixmile Creek for an Alaska fishing experience. We had to grab some coffee and snacks for breakfast to eat on the road to the fishing destination.
Sixmile Creek is on the north end of the Kenai peninsula near Hope Alaska
. We met our guided Mel and Barb at the creek. We donned our rubber boots and life jackets as the boat was launched. We motored just a little downstream before we beached the boat and fished from the banks. At this location we caught a lot of Chums, a couple silver salmon and a couple pink salmon. The next location was slow to start but ended up providing the best silver salmon of the day. We all caught our 2 silver per day limit. We gutted and cleaned the fish at the stream. We would take the to a fish packer for final cuts and freezing and shipping home. Grace caught the most fish, Jack was close, but Lauralee caught the biggest fish of the day.
The beauty of Alaska is amazing. The mountains with glaciers that never seem to end. Green valleys between the mountains with lakes, rivers and streams throughout. On this journey to visit all 50 states we might have saved the best for last. We are still here and already planning our next Alaska visit
We shed the boots, loaded our prized silver salmon and headed for Seward. Along the way the amazing beauty of the Kenai Peninsula continued over every pass and around every corner. A quick pit stop in Moose Pass and we were soon in the fishing and tourist town of Seward. We dropped the fish off at J Dock for processing, freezing, packing and shipping home. We ate lunch on the waterfront at Chinooks. The food was exceptional, one of the best meals of the trip.
We browsed the gift shops and Grace found her perfect hat. We drove from the marina area to the downtown of Seward. Seward is home to the visitors center for Kenai Fjords National Park and an Aquarium. We skipped the aquarium on this trip. In stead we ventured out on a very bumpy dirt road to Lowell Point for some more views of Resurrection Bay and Seward. Wow, Lowell Point seems to be a time warp to the sixties. I suspect a hippy cult or family of flower children live there
. There was a large greenhouse for growing greens, a large barn and fenced pen for chickens, lots of converted school buses, tents, and tiny cabins. But the beach was wort the bumpy ride.
We said farewell to Seward and hit the road to our next destination, Exit Glacier. Exit Glacier is in Kenai Fjords National Park and one of the few glaciers you can drive to. We had a slight delay with more road construction but set off on an easy mile hike into the glacier. The glacier is big and cold. By now it is just past 5 and time to head for our hotel. Everyone is getting hungry and desires a warm shower after the full day.
Back through the unending mountains and valleys, all still breathtaking. Back in Girdwood we found dinner at quirky restaurant called the Double Musky. It is a steak and seafood joint with a touch of Lousiana. No reservations and the place lines up with people waiting for a table. It was an interesting dining experience but not the best food, not bad - just not the best.
With that we are done with another full day. We have a different adventure tomorrow so time for some well needed rest. Good night.
Here Fishy, Fishy
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Anchorage, Alaska, United States
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