I went to get my passport renewed today at the UPS store. Took some pics, and the counter lady and I were getting my stuff ready to get mailed. So she asks me where I am going with this passport, I tell her anywhere i want, and she laughs, I tell her backpacking in Africa. She is amazed and wishes she could go. We get to talking about dangers and how i would need malaria pills, as i say malaria a really tall guy walks in and says, where are you going that you would get malaria. I tell him Africa, he asks which part, i tell him all of it. He then says he was the very first case of Malaria in Pinellas County back in 1992, and that Haslam from Haslam's book store was the second. He told me how his wife was working for a non profit organization, doing work in tanzania kenya and south africa, trying to use homeopathics methods to cure malaria. sounds interesting, and he says malarone is the best meds or maybe i should try his wife's homeopathics, and he gives me her phone number, and tells me to give her a call. just the other day i was thinking what shots and meds i would need to travel in Africa, and this coincidence of meeting this guy at the UPS store could be just the answer i need, weird how things like this happen. I think i will give her a call and see what paths it leads me down in preparation for my trip.
Passport Malaria
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Saint Petersburg, Florida, United States
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