The flight to China

Monday, March 17, 2008
Guilin, China
Mel - I got up at 5.10 (Mum was up at 4.45). I got dressed. Dad dropped in to say good bye at 5.20am. 10 minutes later we had put all our bags/luggage in the car and we were off. At about 7:20 we had finally arrived at JetPort parking. We got on the shuttle bus, with 3 other people. Once we arrived at the airport we dropped 2 people of at the Virgin Blue terminal. Then we got dropped off at the international terminal. We went to Maccas for breaky then we went to put our luggage to the people. Nana, Pa, Keith and Val arrived and then it took at few minutes to get the seats we wanted.
We walked around for a bit then everyone went to Hungry Jacks for breakfast .
We went through customs and then went through security checks where Keith had to take his shoes off. We walked a bit further then went and found Gate 5... A lady (airport worker) asked me to do this survey about the airport.

We went and looked at the duty free shop then pretty soon afterwards we got on the plane.

I was boring and I thought we were almost there but we were only in South Australia. We sat next to a chick that kept doing her hair and putting lip gloss on, then we turned around to see her in a white plastic face mask. It was so funny. We got off the plane finally and went to get our bags. That took for ever. We then had to go to the domestic terminal to catch our next flight to Guilin. We went through customs and my travel sick medicine got taken off me. We boarded the plane and I had to sit next to two other people but luckily the flight was only 55 minutes. We got an airport shuttle bus to the Fubo hotel. We found our door and amazingly found how to open it . It was 10.40 when I got to bed - 1.40am Melbourne time

Kate    4.45 comes around way to quickly when you don't make it to bed until 11.40. All the last minute packing, cleaning, washing - dishes and clothes, hanging clothes on line, getting long term forecast for the cities we are visiting and last check of emails.

Peter was going to ring me at 4.45 but I was wide awake. Sent him a message saying I was up, then jumped in shower. Mel also woke early (4.50ish) but stayed in bed. Quick breaky. Peter dropped by for last good-byes and put cases in car for me. I planned on leaving at 5.30. We did well - leaving by 5.36. Good run. Traffic kept moving until Hallam then slowed down. Kept moving at ~50km going up to 80 for a little while. Travelled so far but still close to home - passed Buzz Electrics van and OPS truck!! There was a car accident just prior to airport. Fire brigade arrived about 2 mins before we passed it (going slowly!!) . Luckily didn't hold us up too much - but it did make a lovely start of a holiday for some people - both taxis and at least 2 people with suitcases! 
Arrived at Jetport parking about 7.15 - Nana and Pa were still at Bourke Rd so Mel and I caught the bus to the airport. Check-in not yet open - and we can't check in as Mum has our passports and tickets!! If they don't get to the airport, we don't go!! Had breaky at (surprise surprise) - McDonalds. By time we finished, Nana had rung - they were on the bus. Mel and I lined up to check in. Mel went to watch out for them while I made my way to the top of the queue. I then started to let people go ahead of me until they arrived. 

 Checked in then went to Hungry Jacks for Mum and Dad and Keith and Val. Mel found a power point so we plugged the laptop in and Mel wrote the start of her travel pod. Unfortunately we could only get internet access to the airport site. Confirmed we were still scheduled to leave on time!!
We went through customs . Wondered around until time to board. Duty free - Nintendo DS $179 with $10 off if we bought it today and collected it on the way back. Animal crossing game was $62. We saw Lewis Hamilton - he is famous. Everyone was running after him asking for photos and congratulating him. Will have to find out who Lewis is as I have absolutely no idea!! Could have been my one and only time of meeting/touching/having photo taken with someone famous and I blew it!! Nana asked if it was someone from the band "Kiss". He was young and possibly from Pakistan. I DON'T THINK SO!!

Got on the plane. Nana and Pa are in 22 and we're in 23 - both window seats. 3 seats in a row so we have someone next to me.

Asians are known to be a very small race and they build their planes with that in mind. I might have 6cm between my knees and the chair in front. Mel is so close to me that I had to ask her to take her windcheater jacket off as it kept rubbing my arm and was really starting to irritate me . Walking to the seats, we went through business class - aisles fine for me, a backpack and a laptop - not so when we got to economy. I had to have backpack in front of me and laptop behind me. Just a little squeeze.

It will be a very long 4672 miles to China!! Took off at 11.10 and expect to arrive at 4.31 - quick flight until you add on 3 hours time difference. (Left terminal at 10.53).
We took off in our squishy seats and within an hour received food and drink. Face washer, cold, in plastic, then a warm soft drink then food. A wholemeal roll that was made with a very 'heavy' (for want of a better word) dough. A prawn cocktail? with 3 or 4 prawns on a somila? base. No idea if that's what it is - 'small balls - (rice grains cut into 10 pieces sort of size). This was on a bed of lettuce and the base had something stirred through it. Mel and I had the chicken with rice, beans and baby carrots. Chicken covered in tomato sauce. It was edible - just. Soggy rice is so yum. We also got a small container of pieces of fruit - watermelon, cantaloupe, honey dew . Was given another drink.

Lights out after meal. Mel and I tried to have a sleep - Mel with the blanket over her head! I think we both dozed on and off but can't say it was a comfortable sleep by any means, Mel was using my arm as a pillow rest so I couldn't move my right hand at all. Hence I got pins and needles in my hand and fingers. This also meant that I couldn't really move the rest of me - I couldn't rest my head against anything and I had to use my pillow as a back support. The fun of flying!!!
Got a hot towel. Our next meal consisted of either beef (or lamb - not quite sure) in a gravy on some flat noodles (I had this) or a bolognaise on tortellini (Mel's meal). We also got the container of fruit (with pineapple and/or red cherries/grapes) and a sponge cake that wasn't too bad. Nana gave me hers and Mel gave me ½ of hers. I tried to steal Pa's but just didn't have the room to jump over the seat to get it. Nana also tried to pinch it to no avail!! I gave Pa Mel's ½ and I ate mine and ¾ of Nana's . Another drink then cleaned away. 

 There's only the TV on the roof in the aisles to watch - we haven't even bothered with getting out the headphones!
Yet again I must thank Peter profusely. After Mel and I left yesterday after doing the final move from one unit to the next (Mel went to Garfield Pool for family day with basketball) he went to Pakenham then to Fountain Gate to buy me a Nintendo DS. It has made this trip so much easier. He also bought me a game which Mel tried to play but plane was way too noisy. Mel and I now each have a Nintendo and we have both been playing at the same time. Mel is now reading the book I bought her for the trip - hopefully enjoying. Just had an announcement - they have a little boy in need of medical attention if anyone is qualified. How awful for the family and child. Still an hour or so to go.
It is always fascinating watching the people around. The lady next to me has constantly had her mirror and lip balm out and I turned around before to see her with a face mask on - all we could see was the plastic!! (See the photo) . That was finally removed - hair re-checked and all good again for the next 20 minutes. I guess I should apologise to her - here she is trying to keep herself looking nice and I've been expelling air (better than saying the 'F' word) the whole trip.

We finally landed. Our cases were the last to come off the plane - we checked in early so they went on first and off last!! We then exchanged money and headed to the domestic terminal for our flight to Guilin. Going through customs I got Mel's Phenergan taken off me. Bottle had ~20ml liquid and not allowed any liquid. Made Mel have ~half a dose then left. I think if she'd had a full dose I would have got the medicine bottle back but didn't want her over-dosed!! Will be fun for the flight home!!

Next flight to Guilin was only 55 minutes. Enough time for a couple of Nintendo games and to show Nana and Pa what it does.

Off plane and caught local bus to hotel . Mel so tired - she dozed off for a few minutes, booked in and up to room and straight to bed. The key to the hotel door is in the shape of a key but plastic and about 10cm long. The door lock looks like it has a peep-hole in it, and it is here that you place the metal dot from the 'key'. It then opens the door. It was a very long day for all of us and we quickly went to sleep. The things we sleep on look like beds but are as comfortable as if you were sleeping on the floor. If you have a nice woolen plush carpet - it would be more comfortable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Only 10.40 when we went to bed - 1.40am Australian time. Can understand why she is so tired and cranky.
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Hi from the North
Hi everyone! It's good to know that you arrived safely. Hopefully you will have such a good time there like we are here. The weather here is pretty cold, I wonder what it is like there.


Hi from the north!
Hi! It's good to know that you landed safely. It's pretty cold here, I hope its not too bad for you there. Hopefully your days will be as exciting as mine ae now! xxx


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