Kate - Mel woke up not well. She couldn't keep anything inside her – top or bottom!! When Nancy arrived at the hotel and saw Mel she was very worried so organised for an English-speaking doctor to come and see her. He came to the hotel with his very modern case!! For an English-speaking doctor, he was very hard to understand and spoke very little English.
He had to go back for his thermometer and a saline bottle
. He decided to put Mel on a drip - with her still in bed in the hotel room!!!! A coat stand was found to hang the bottle onto. Mel was very brave as he put the needle in the back of her hand. The needle was hurting Mel's hand so he stuck a match between the back of her hand and the needle - it worked!!!! Dr Tan sat outside the room for the hour it took the drip to finish. He then shook out a few tablets from a bottle for Mel to take today and tomorrow – no label and no idea what they were. I gave Mel one dose but she has trouble swallowing tablets and threw them straight up. This was the last time she was sick. I never tried again as I was really unsure what the tablets were for and whether to trust them.
(I think Mel was just trying to out-do me for when I was sick in the Philippines at a similar age. The difference was that I was taken to a hospital to have the drip put in, then left the hospital to go to the next town where we were booked in to stay for the night as there were no hotels in the town the hospital was in
. (I was only the second white person to use this hospital). I left the hospital whilst still having the drip in my hand. I arrived at the hotel still hooked up to the bottle)
I finally convinced Nana, Pa, Val and Keith to go out for the day after Dr Tan left - there was no use all of us sitting around.
Mel spent the rest of the day sleeping while I kept washing and drying Mel’s clothes and undies ready for Mel to be sick or to poo on them again. A VERY horrible day. Nana felt really bad, as if it was her fault. Poor Mel was so so upset and frightened as was I.
I've never tried drying undies with a hairdryer before. I went over the road to buy some more knickers as we were fast running out - they sold me the most expensive, granny-like undies (bright red) I've ever seen. Mel has never worn them since!!
Nana and the others went and had dinner then, when they came back and looked after Mel, I went and got something to eat. Nana bought Mel some plain rice back to the hotel but she only managed a spoonful or two.
Mel sick
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Yangshou, China
Other Entries
Mar 157 days priorBunyip, Australiaphoto_camera3videocam 0comment 0 -
2Before we go
Mar 166 days priorBunyip, Australiaphoto_camera7videocam 0comment 0 -
3The flight to China
Mar 175 days priorGuilin, Chinaphoto_camera25videocam 0comment 2 -
4Our first day in Guilin
Mar 184 days priorGuilin, Chinaphoto_camera104videocam 0comment 0 -
5Guilin to Yangshou
Mar 193 days priorYangshou, Chinaphoto_camera79videocam 0comment 0 -
6The 'illegal' boat trip
Mar 202 days priorYangshou, Chinaphoto_camera132videocam 0comment 0 -
7Nancy's house and MoonHill
Mar 211 day priorYangshou, Chinaphoto_camera100videocam 0comment 0 -
8Mel sick
Mar 22Yangshou, Chinaphoto_camera8videocam 0comment 0 -
9Easter Sunday - Mel getting better - Mum sick
Mar 231 day laterYangshou, Chinaphoto_camera6videocam 0comment 0 -
10To Guangzhou
Mar 242 days laterGuangzhou, Chinaphoto_camera32videocam 0comment 0 -
11Our first day in Guangzhou
Mar 253 days laterGuangzhou, Chinaphoto_camera51videocam 0comment 0 -
12Goodbye Keith and Val
Mar 264 days laterGuangzhou, Chinaphoto_camera80videocam 0comment 0 -
13Lots of steps and stairs
Mar 275 days laterGuangzhou, Chinaphoto_camera44videocam 0comment 1 -
14Shamian Island
Mar 286 days laterGuangzhou, Chinaphoto_camera46videocam 2comment 0 -
15A day of walking
Mar 297 days laterGuangzhou, Chinaphoto_camera56videocam 0comment 1 -
16Laptop broke
Mar 308 days laterGuangzhou, Chinaphoto_camera13videocam 0comment 0 -
17Fast train to Shenzhen
Mar 319 days laterShenzhen, Chinaphoto_camera26videocam 0comment 0 -
18Pinch and a Punch
Apr 0110 days laterShenzhen, Chinaphoto_camera18videocam 0comment 0 -
19Homeward bound
Apr 0211 days laterBunyip, Australiaphoto_camera46videocam 0comment 0