Mel - We had a buffet breaky at the hotel this morning. It was amazing - the orange juice, whilst still orange cordial - was actually cold. They do not believe in cold drinks here in China at all. The milk for my cereal was still warm, but when Pa came in 10 minutes later, they had out a new jug of milk that was cold. When I say milk, I do mean a powdered substance that they call milk. It's OK on cereal, but NOT for drinking by itself!!!!
We went back to our room and I received a text message
. As soon as I saw it was from Telstra (of all people) I raced across the room and I WON PINCH AND A PUNCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We then went running to Nana and Pas room, bursting through the door to 'get' them.
We spent the day walking around Shenzhen - we finally found Nintendo DS games for sale - the first place we have found them in China. Of course, once we finally found one stall, we found heaps of them. They had 6 or 8 covers on the counter to draw your attention but when you started to look at them, they would produce a pile of booklets about 7cm high that come with the games. As you near the bottom of the pile and obviously haven't found what you want, another pile of booklets comes out - then another!!!!!!! I had been carrying a Nintendo around for the last week in case we found some games and had almost taken it out of my backpack this morning as I felt we were not going to find any and I didn't need the extra weight on my back.
Mel was able to buy a couple of games, so she was very happy.
We went into a supermarket for a look as well as a department store. Avon is purchased over the counter here - next to Lamcome (think that's how it's spelt) and Revlon etc. Tupperware is also found in shops or in the supermarket. I guess taking Avon catalogues door to door here would be impossible!!!!!!
Kate - We decided to go to the take-a-way restaurant 'Kungfu' for lunch. I can't say much except NEVER AGAIN. The food was very bland as was definitely 'fast food'. The noodles tasted mostly of water.......................... I don't want to think about it, so I won't write any more!!!!
Pinch and a Punch
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Shenzhen, China
Other Entries
Mar 1517 days priorBunyip, Australiaphoto_camera3videocam 0comment 0 -
2Before we go
Mar 1616 days priorBunyip, Australiaphoto_camera7videocam 0comment 0 -
3The flight to China
Mar 1715 days priorGuilin, Chinaphoto_camera25videocam 0comment 2 -
4Our first day in Guilin
Mar 1814 days priorGuilin, Chinaphoto_camera104videocam 0comment 0 -
5Guilin to Yangshou
Mar 1913 days priorYangshou, Chinaphoto_camera79videocam 0comment 0 -
6The 'illegal' boat trip
Mar 2012 days priorYangshou, Chinaphoto_camera132videocam 0comment 0 -
7Nancy's house and MoonHill
Mar 2111 days priorYangshou, Chinaphoto_camera100videocam 0comment 0 -
8Mel sick
Mar 2210 days priorYangshou, Chinaphoto_camera8videocam 0comment 0 -
9Easter Sunday - Mel getting better - Mum sick
Mar 239 days priorYangshou, Chinaphoto_camera6videocam 0comment 0 -
10To Guangzhou
Mar 248 days priorGuangzhou, Chinaphoto_camera32videocam 0comment 0 -
11Our first day in Guangzhou
Mar 257 days priorGuangzhou, Chinaphoto_camera51videocam 0comment 0 -
12Goodbye Keith and Val
Mar 266 days priorGuangzhou, Chinaphoto_camera80videocam 0comment 0 -
13Lots of steps and stairs
Mar 275 days priorGuangzhou, Chinaphoto_camera44videocam 0comment 1 -
14Shamian Island
Mar 284 days priorGuangzhou, Chinaphoto_camera46videocam 2comment 0 -
15A day of walking
Mar 293 days priorGuangzhou, Chinaphoto_camera56videocam 0comment 1 -
16Laptop broke
Mar 302 days priorGuangzhou, Chinaphoto_camera13videocam 0comment 0 -
17Fast train to Shenzhen
Mar 311 day priorShenzhen, Chinaphoto_camera26videocam 0comment 0 -
18Pinch and a Punch
Apr 01Shenzhen, Chinaphoto_camera18videocam 0comment 0 -
19Homeward bound
Apr 021 day laterBunyip, Australiaphoto_camera46videocam 0comment 0