
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
After breaky we went back to spotlight and exchanged the huge huge towel to a big towel. Headed off to Seaworld. Queued to get in (surprise surprise) then raced to find a locker. Made it $7.00 for the day. Not cheap but definitely worth it - not carrying backpack around made it a happier day for everyone!!


Flume Ride . Viking type boat. we went on it three times (ride closed down when we were waiting for a 4th go. Peter sat in front 1st time and Mel 2nd and 3rd. Came off ride with water dripping off face. Ride took about 2 minutes and was heaps of fun.

Bermuda Triangle.

Boat with about 10 people. Mel found it boring. was lots of 'aliens' and talk about the triangle. Fun bit of ride was the last 30 seconds. Glad we did it but once was enough!!

PLANET SOS in 4D. Very different to Shrek. When the monkeys played cricket, the balls all but hit us. Mel spent time ducking and weaving them. We had already worked out that we wouldn't be getting sprayed from the front of us. No - we got it from above!! Very good.


Amazing watching the dolphins. they said have your camera ready but by the time I thought "oh, photo" the dolphins had jumped up out of the water and gone back down. You would get no warning as to what was going to happen!

Didn't bother going to the water park area. Ran out of time for monorail and train.

Saw the aquarium - the colours of the fish were amazing. Great seeing the sharks swimming with babies under belly. Left at 5pm. Shops then home for a BBQ dinner. Very nice. 

Jenny returned my call. It was lucky that I still had her phone number since Melissa and Brianna haven't been close friends since prep. We're meeting up on Friday. Hopefully girls will have fun together.



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