Ya Pays Yer Money, Ya Takes Yer Chances

Monday, December 18, 2023
23 Runnymede Dr, New Brunswick, Canada
A Christmas cruise…it’s a crap shoot.  When we booked it there were lots of cabins available so we thought ‘Mayyyybe it’ll be alright’.  And by ‘alright’ I mean not full of cranky kids and Q-tips.  Now the cruise is fully booked…not a vacant cabin to be found.  I’m hoping it’s because they offered a sell off and all the YOUNG seniors living in Florida jumped on it.  You know, the seniors like ourselves…a bit of gray on top, but lots of gas in the tank.  Not the OLD seniors with their walkers and power carts who stall the buffet line trying to decide if they want their eggs over easy or scrambled, blocking everyone’s progress while they hem and haw.
A couple of years ago we learned our lesson on traveling to Florida the day of departure.  We had a very scary trip from airport to cruise port with the gangway closing up behind us as we stepped on board.  There was lots of wailing and blathering that day when several people didn’t make it and their family members stood by the door flooding the place with tears.  Never again, we said.  Now we travel the day prior.
Unfortunately with AC’s reduction of flights into SJ and their record for tardiness, cancellations and lost luggage, it’s making me wonder if TWO days in advance wouldn’t be wiser.   Time will tell.
Stay tuned…

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Gael Phillips

Oh fingers crossed for you guys !! I feel your frustration, just back from giant tiger. Went for Celery and Hash browns. They had neither 🙈wishing you a great time drinking in the sunshine and other treats . 🎄💕🎉


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