I woke the other night with a burning question on my mind. Where does it go…the poop. There are 3080 passengers and 1200 crew onboard, and they all poop. I know Lazy Eye Susan from bingo the other day, she poops. And Stupid Sara also a pooper.
What about Mr Al A Bama and Mrs Bama who have the table beside us in the dining room? Well, I’m sure Mrs Bama poops…if she asks Al if it’s alright first. But Al himself? I guess he’s the exception to the rule. He’s so full of shit that there’s no way he poops.
But by and large, everyone poops. Where does it go? I’m sure it goes into some holding tank, but how big could that possibly be? With engine rooms, kitchens, laundry facilities etc all below the passenger decks, how much room is left for poop tanks?
So lets say they have some fancy processing facility down below that CLEANS the poop, is it then recycled into shower water. Ohhh yuck, that thought is just disgusting. Only a little less disgusting is the thought that it’s released out into the sea.
Well, luckily we’re invited to a special luncheon with the Captain on December 27th for the Most Traveled Guests. Who knew that 28 cruises with Princess would be enough to make the cut. Perhaps I’ll take a minute and ask the Captain…butI I’ll wait for AFTER lunch to ask…cause asking BEFORE lunch would just be TACKY!!
Tomorrow we’re in Columbia. Land ho!!