More characters than a Disney Cruise

Wednesday, December 27, 2023
Caribbean Sea
Today was our invite to the Captain’s Most Travelled Guests Luncheon and ohhhhh did we meet a whole cast load of characters.  
The event started for us with cocktails while sitting with the Winfrey’s.  And by the Winfrey’s, I’m NOT talking Oprah and Stedman.  We’ll call them Brenda and Wilf. They were from a small town outside of Miami, very close to the cruise ports so they do LOTS of cruises. Wilf likes to talk…LOUD.  Brenda is often heard telling Wilf to quiet down, but he loves to tell his stories and gets quite passionate about it…regardless of how entertaining the story actually is.  Wilf is 80…or 39 x 2 + 2, as he likes to put it.  Brenda is much more reserved, and just much more all around, well, sane.  Brenda prescribes to 2 way discussions.  Wilf, he loves the sound of his own voice.  When Wilf starts to tell a story, but perhaps starts to stray, Brenda will interject.  Wilf then holds up his hand in the universal sign for STOP and says ‘my story’, and Brenda shuts up and defers the floor to him.  You’d think we spent an hour with these people and not just 20 minutes…but it sure seemed like an hour.
When we got seated at our table we met Mary and Joseph…I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP…and the funny thing about it was when I said to them ‘oh, those will be easy names to remember this time of year’, referring, of course, to the Mary and Joseph Christmas connection, they didn’t seem to GET IT at all.  Mary replied ‘I’m not good with names…some people are, but I’ll likely not remember anyone’s names in a little while’.  This M&J are NOT from Bethlehem, though, they are from Michigan.  
Also at our table were Francis and her favourite granddaughter Rowan from Virginia.  How do we know she’s Francis’ favourite?  Cause she used the line repeatedly…’this is my favourite granddaughter…and my only granddaughter…cause I have 4 grandsons’. Got it!
After the luncheon, which was both entertaining and tasty, I headed down to Bingo. I hadn’t been in a few days so thought it was time.  Although it may have been documented on my work file years ago that I don’t share well, I’m here to refute that statement.  Of the 4 games of Bingo today, I won 2 of them. But don’t get excited…I had to share with first prize with 3 others and I had to share the second prize with 2 others. So my possible $330 in winnings turned out to be $106. So I DO share…even when I DON’T WANT to!
Tomorrow’s our last port of call, and hopefully the coolest. And by coolest I mean temperature wise!



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