Another hot day for our last port of call in GeorgeTown, Grand Cayman. Contrary to what we heard yesterday, it is NO COOLER here than it has been at the other stops we’ve made. We learned a couple of interesting facts today. First off, when cruise ships come to the Cayman Islands they are always anchored out in the bay and passengers tender in. The cruise ships at anchor are only permitted to sell liquor out of ONE bar on board during their stay. The second thing is that cruise lines normally supplement the tendering of passengers from ship to shore by using their life rafts. Not here in the Caymans. The tendering is the sole responsibility of a local company who uses larger boats. Not a bad thing, and probably wise on the Cayman government to secure regular work and income for their locally owned businesses.
We’re also happy to report that Mrs Bama has been located. Well, she wasn’t missing, per se, but had she not shown up for dinner again this evening we were going to really be concerned. Al came to dinner alone last evening. Mrs Bama is Phillipino, I believe, or maybe South American. From somewhere hot anyway. So when Al told us yesterday that she didn’t come to supper because she was ‘cold’ we were doubtful. There hasn’t been a day on this cruise yet that could be described as ‘cold’. Even the ‘locals’ have described the weather as hot whenever we’ve been in port. And we learned last night that Mrs Bama isn’t Al’s first wife. The first was a baker who totally ruined Al’s taste for cheesecake. His second wife passed away from lung cancer. I thought it was a bit cheeky to ask if the current wife is number three…or higher…so we just make that assumption.
Anyway, Mrs Bama showed up for dinner tonight, dressed in a sleeveless top, so not obviously concerned with AC temps in the dining room. But the why of her absence isn’t really our business…we’re just glad she’s back…not that she ever speaks…cause Al does the talking for the both of them.
Tomorrow is our last sea day before returning to Fort Lauderdale. Where has the time gone?