But before we talk about our trip today, I’ve gotta introduce you to a fellow diner at the breakfast buffet. We’ll call him Mohawk Mike. He’s in his mid 50’s, at least. He’s a portly fellow, dressed in knee length board shorts and a ‘wifebeater’. Now for those that don’t know, that doesn’t mean he beats his wife…no…it’s just the street slang for a men’s tank top. He does have a wife, but, unlike Mike, she’s relatively ‘vanilla’…probably very nice, but barely noticeable. So why is Mohawk Mike so memorable, you ask? Well, because of the bright PINK Mohawk he sports. Both sides of his head shaved and a bright pink spiky Mohawk down the middle of his head, from forehead to nape of the neck. Until today. Today Mike showed up without spikes. So what do you call a Mohawk when it isn’t spiky…a ‘lowhawk’? Guess we’ll have to change his name to ‘Lowhawk Larry’?? Anyway…we’re sure he’s British, and we’re pretty sure he’s a dart fan. He’s one of the guys you’d see on the televised dart tournaments from the UK. He’d be sitting in the front row, behind a tableful of empty Harp cans. He’s likely waving a support sign for one of the more colourful dart players. And no, I don’t know any of those dart players’ names. I will confess to having watched a bit of the game on telly…when Coronation Street isn’t available…but I’m certainly not a regular. But the next time you’re flipping through the channels and you come upon a very loud dart match, keep an eye out. You just might see Mike…or is it Larry?? Guess it depends on the day…and the available hair product!
Today we Vamus-d…that’s the local bus company…to Lagos. It was a fairly quick and inexpensive ride. Lagos has a population of a little over 33,000. The old town of Lagos reminded us a lot of the old town of Albufeira, where we visited a few years ago. Mind you, I’d say most every ‘old town’ in Portugal is much like the others.
We hit the high spots of town; the Municipal Mercado, the old city walls, and the Church of Santo Antonio. It was our 1 obligatory church visit. There’s always 1 worth seeing, and this was it. They get you though. In order to see the inside of the church you have to buy a ticket to go through the Municipal Museum. Fortunately the entry fee was very inexpensive, and some of the exhibits were actually interesting.
The Mercado (Market) was a bit small, but I did manage to find what will no doubt be my ONLY souvenir of the trip. It is a handmade grating dish. Good for grating cheese, ginger, garlic, chocolate etc, etc, etc.
Tonight I enjoyed an actual traditional Portuguese dish for supper. Piri Piri Chicken and it was verrrry good!!!