Big walk number 2 (and 3)
Sunday, January 08, 2017
Singapore, Singapore
So this morning I headed out to Bukit Timah Nature Reserve expecting a nice quiet walk. As it turns out, I think this place is their equivalent of the 1000 steps, because it was just as popular. Lots of walking groups and runners! Nevertheless, I had a great walk, saw some monkeys and had sections of the trails where I was by myself, and it was very peaceful. After I finished the third trail I did, which took about an hour and a half all up, I went down to the entrance of the reserve. From there you could go up onto an old abandoned railway line called the Green Corridor, which ran along the side of the nature reserve for a while and then ran through a more urban area. Very cool. Once I finished that, I jumped back on the train into town, had some lunch and a shower, and then finished my Chinatown walk from yesterday. After I finished that I walked around the Gardens by the Bay again, around to the Marina Barrage, the dam wall that separates the (freshwater) Bay and the ocean. That was pretty cool, they had a big green area on the roof, and a solar park and there were lots of people flying kites. From there I caught a bus back to 'Satay St', a street that the close off and turn into an open air satay market on the weekend. Had a few satay skewers, and then headed back to the hostel as my feet were very tired! Planning on just having a drink at a bar nearby or something tonight.
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