I need meat!!

Saturday, October 31, 2009
Keswick, England, United Kingdom
Having started University just a month previously, as an ice breaker we were being taken to the Lake District by coach.

Driving up the A1 to Scotch Corner, we then cut across the country to end up in the Lake District, and began the following day with a trip to do some sampling at St. Johns-in-the-Vale, where the farmer came along with his shotgun and wife on a quad to kick us off the land.

The evening was spent walking up a hill to get a view over Derwent water, followed by a game of Chocolate Roulette with some dodgy out-of-date chocolates I had found at home.

The next day was spent first in Grasmere for some traditional village tourism, before making out way on to Workington to see some of urban communities; whilst the last full day of the trip was spent in Honsiter.

After lengthy days and getting no meat in any of the food all week (with the uneaten food being served back up the following day), in our luxurious location where there wasn't even a shelf, by the end of the week the cold weather had made everyone feel drained.

The final stop at Blackpool was sold to us as a bit of relaxing fun, but the weather and tasks in the morning had meant that almost everyone couldn't care less and just wanted to get home into the warm.



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