The Leaning Tower of Pisa

Monday, June 27, 2016
Pisa, Tuscany, Italy
After two very busy days, our final day of travel was far more relaxed, with just a visit to the small city of Pisa before flying home.

Checking out of the hotel and making our way across the city to the station, we jumped on another cheap train with locked windows, for an hour's ride to our next destination - Pisa.

Pisa is relatively small, and after dropping our bags off at the station, it took just 15 minutes or so to walk across the city, over the River Arno again, to the main draw - The Leaning Tower.
Although not the most leaning tower in the world (that record going to the tower of Suurhusen, that I had trekked two hours across rural North Germany for a five minute view four years previously) it was still an iconic attraction that I'd always had on my list, which with it's close proximity to San Marino I had tied into a tour.

Unlike a lot of well known attractions that prove underwhelming, the leaning tower was as amazing as expected. Although the grounds were small, it was fascinating and well worth the visit - lovely weather and no admission charge to see the outside.

After having lunch, we then made our way back to the train station to collect our bits and then head towards the airport with plenty of time to spare. A nice relaxing end to the trip that was as good as planned and well worth it.
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