The Tian Shan

Wednesday, October 05, 2016
Karakol, Kyrgyzstan
Much like the previous day, today's journey continued the skirting of the Fergana Valley borders, before we then ascended into the Tian Shan mountains that transverse Kyrgystan.

With a very early start, we boarded the coach before sunrise - and as everyone by this stage had got at least mild diarrhoea, the thought of spending twelve hours on the coach wasn't exactly filling everyone with total excitement. Although quotes like "Treated myself to an immodium this morning" and "You know you're better when you can trust a fart again" did lighten the mood.
Whilst we skirted the Uzbek border passing through more villages with Afghan War Memorials, I continued to nap for a while before waking up to enjoy the views of the scenery. We then began climbing the mountains, passing numerous flocks of sheep and horses as we reached Lake Toktogul.

Stopping off en route many times for views of the rivers, lakes and hills, we then eventually made it to the highest point of the trip where the ground and hills were covered in snow.
After a mini snowball fight, we made our way down the northern side of the mountain range, passing yurts and more fantastic views before landing in the valley and making our way to Bishkek just after nightfall.

After a long busy day's travelling we checked in to our hostel and then headed out to a local pub for dinner. Although with it being so late, the number of us making it out was quite small. However the next day was a free day and thus we could finally have a lie in!



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