Arrival in Malaga

Sunday, November 11, 2012
Málaga, Andalusia, Spain and Canary Islands
It was an early start on Sunday morning, catching the flight at just after 7am, however luckily as the flight was from Luton I didn't have to get up too early. As it was a group booking we had to go the old fashioned way of physically checking in, rather than doing so online, and to my surprise this was carried out by one of my old classmates from school (despite her not recognising me). After this, many of the group including myself gathered to await further instruction on what we would be doing next - only to find our lecturer had already gone off towards the departure lounge without doing so (quite the reverse from the "We must all stick together" attitude at check in just moments before). Making our way towards the departure lounge, and subsequently the gate to board the plane, we eventually found our lecturers being the last to enter the room - to which is sarcastically commented "Hi Darren", in an effort to make him aware of our much more organised nature.With easyJet having now changed their policy to allocated seating, and the lateness of our booking, it meant that the class was dispersed around the plane for the flight, with the majority of us being seated at the rear of the plane, but with our lecturers at the front. Whilst standing upon the staircase to board the plane I again noticed our lecturers, and presumably high on the banter with my classmates I again shouted "Hi Darren" across the plane at my lecturer - something that subsequently stayed with me throughout the trip.

Having finally arrived in Malaga, being seated at the back of the plane caused us to be the last off the plane, which meant that by the time we arrived at baggage collection there were very few bags left on the carriage - however one of our classmates' bag was not there, to which our lecturer claimed "well, it could be worse". Despite being lunchtime, the concern for the coach driver who was due to pick us up was greater than that of eating, and so we had no time for lunch. We then arrived at the hotel in Granada two hours later to find a damp and cold city (even the UK was warmer), and being Sunday all shops were shut. We were due to have a group meal that evening, and so despite high levels of hunger by 3pm, I managed to wait. However the city walk around the cold city after being both tired and hungry was probably the least entertaining part of the whole trip - and after teasing us with places that were "really good" before walking right past them, we were finally free to find somewhere to eat by ourselves - at which point my levels of tiredness prevailed and I was already way past the ability to sit and wait for a three course meal to be cooked, and satisfied myself in Burger King, before making it back to the hotel at around 8pm and going straight to bed.

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