Thursday, November 15, 2012
El Ejido, Andalusia, Spain and Canary Islands
On our fifth day we took the long trip to El Ejido, and first visited a farm to see how ecological techniques can take place, before visiting the site of the worst race riots in Europe - a bit of an anticlimax when the only thing we saw was an African man shouting that he loves English girls. We then went to a fancy restaurant, where we walked in, sat down and grabbed a menu before being greeted. Saman's Spanish also came back as she exclaimed she wanted a Spanish Omelette. However when the waiter who spoke no English pointed to Tortilla de Patatas, she again shouted "I want a Spanish Omelette"....only to realise that this was in fact what she had wanted in the first place, whilst the waited was nervously looking for an English menu.

In the evening I again met up with my Señoritas, and was joined by Laura who had come from Madrid for a few days, and we spent some hours drinking at Teresa's house, before going to a club beneath the city's bull ring - in a complete reversal from the 8pm bed time I had taken on the first night, I arrived back at the hotel at 4am to find that I had no idea how to get back in. Waiting for 5 minutes whilst needing a wee outside the locked door, I finally realised the sign in broken English was telling me to clamber around the corner between a bollard and a parked car and place my hand through a fence to ring a bell. Nevertheless, I eventually made it to bed safe and sound!

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