All in all our ten day voyage reaped the benefits of fair weather and glorious lighting for being the windiest, coldest, most foreboding continent. Today, it was easy to reflect on the fantastic journey that we had all shared: waiting anxiously after a whale tail fluke for the mighty mammals to resurface minutes later, walking amongst adorable penguins tobogganing across the snow and stealing pebbles and even ice chunks from neighbors, and watching outstretched seals flare their nostrils as we sailed past their ice floes. Our ship may be but a mere fleck of iron and steel in the vast blue sea, but we made our way towards a continent of many more colors than the whimsical white wonderland far behind in our wake. Guests took on the decisive task of submitting their final photographs for the guest slideshow that would be on display this evening. This trip, in particular, certainly had a stunning array of photographs to choose from. Captain Dr. Peter Carey gave an intellectually stimulating talk about his research and recovering ecosystems in the Sub-Antarctic after explaining how he got his start as a young scientist being attacked by ever aggressive Skuas. Although very fashionable, guests seemed relieved to return their heavy rental snow boots and accessories before packing up their luggage. Afterwards, sheer battery power could not be matched by the Captain’s enthusiasm to share about his passion and experience navigating amongst the ice in Antarctica. It is always a pleasure to hear the passion saturated in the words of gentlemen speaking about the challenges and adversity within their profession, yet remaining zealous in their hard work. Our presenters today demonstrated the epitome of professionals that are zealous about their work, despite the trials and tribulations that are thrown before them and truly inspired deep respect from all onboard.
Tonight at the Captain’s farewell cocktail party we celebrated not only the harmonious course-plotting of our fantastic leader, Shaun and our courageous Captain, but the lovely array of photographs from the guest slide show. As the Beagle Channel came into view the seas calmed and beckoned keen photographers to snap some last minute shots before retiring to their cabins after an amazing journey exploring Antarctica, celebrating the holidays, learning about the awe inspiring natural history of the region, and appreciating quality time with family and new friends on board alike. This will most certainly be a trip not soon forgotten, and we wish everyone a happy holiday season and safe travels home.
My notes:
Sun Dec 27
-last full day onboard. We will reach the beagle channel tonight and probably b docked in the early hours. Last stretch session
-more lectures and briefing about the disembark procedure. Gonna wait to pack when we reach the channel n the ship is more stable.
-a slow day n ready to move on to the next adventure. This has been an amazing experience.
-Finn continues to travel with his pack of friends. Been a little lonely for me but great for him. Looking forward to sharing hiking with him in the coming days.