touring the Cotopaxi volcano

Friday, December 22, 2017
Latacunga Canton, Pichincha, Ecuador
-we rousted our tired bodies and were almost ready by 7:30 for Sebastian and Cotopaxi 
-once we cleared the Quito traffic we learned about the rose farms and the agriculture creeping up to 4000m and the subsidized gas at $1. 50 a gallon. Ecuador is rich in natural resources including oil and it seems to be consuming them. Interesting plight for the planet. 
-later learned that the houses that look half done are planned that way. During initial construction They leave the rebar for the second or third floor to save on taxes 
-we had to pick up a local guide and also bought some hats and blanket and a scarf at the entrance. A fun mini adventure 
-an ok stop at the interpretation center that could have been done in English and faster. Then onward to a stroll around a lake. It was windy and cold and the 12000ft altitude did not feel that bad
-we then drove onward to over 15000 ft. You could definitely feel the altitude me so could the car. We started hiking up towards the refuge hut. Ty n laura n I were moving slowly and soon we decided that we had gone high enough.  We returned to the car for water and chocolate to recover. 
-Finn carried on and made it to the hut. He paid the price later with a head ache and upset stomach. He missed a yummy lunch at the nearby hotel and laid down instead 
-in addition to the good food at the lodge, we had a stunning view and took time lapse of the clouds over the summit. We were fortunate that the morning clouds cleared periodically to give us glimpses of the summit with its classic volcano shape
-a long drive back to the hotel but we made it and parted ways w Sebastian who had been a great guide. 
-we just got settled and Doug came across town and we had a nice dinner w his family in the hotel. We could not rally our tired group out into the town. Was fun to hear their stories. Seems like they had a very nice trip. 

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