Monday December 25
-9:30 zodiac tour.
Saw sea lions and some marine iguanas
-10:45 snorkel in some frigid water. Shockingly cold and took a long time to warm up. Had marine iguanas swim by which was cool. Very rich in fish and marine life
-1:45 lecture on the geology of the islands. Finn sat in the corner. Funny
-3 pm walking tour in iguana land. Lots of iguanas. Sea lions chasing each other around. Black lava rock like the big island. Feeding and diving boobies which the guide said was rare. Nursing sea lion pup. One of the best outings of the trip due to animal diversity
Tuesday December 26
-early morning hike up past the inland salty lake.
-snorkel w penguins n flightless Comoran n flyby sea lion. Very cool. A little warmer too at 68 degrees which was tolerable.
-good lecture by Gilda about Darwin.
-zodiac cruise at 4:30 into the mangroves. Very serene and super clear glassy waters. Saw golden cow rays and loads of turtles. Saw a tree lion. Har har. Nice shots of penguins on the rock on our way back to the boat
-evening briefing and first part of George's video