Three Capes Hike - day 3

Monday, March 18, 2019
Port Arthur, Tasmania, Australia
Up for oatmeal by 7:30 and then we packed day packs for the 19km day. We were on the trail by 9
First hour of the hike was through forest and brush. Then we came over a hill and had stunning views down the coast towards Tasman island and the Blade
There were a number of lookouts with writeups including the Ligtkeepers Daughter.  The view was amazing and made for great photos and picnic spots
The boys had gone ahead and we bumped into them near the end of the trail. They had already been up the Blade and were headed back towards the hut
We took our time and as we reached the turn around point at noon the sea fog came in    It would clear in waves and was fun to have as a contrast
We had amazing views back towards the Blade and then climbed it. An amazing day of scenery
The hike back was pleasant and we stopped in our original snack spot.  The last hour was approaching a slog but it wasn't bad since we only had a light day pack
We arrived back at the hut to impatient kids. They hurried us on towards our final hut an hour away. We definitely felt the full packs on our back. 
We arrived weary at 4:30 and had an early dinner. Our final ranger briefing at 6 and a second dinner for finn and me
We played some games and then off to bed for some needed rest. 



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