Middlehead with boys & paddle to Split with Scott
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Middlehead, New South Wales, Australia
Full day here on Thu in Oz. Ty got a full night of sleep and woke up well rested. Finn and I are still waking up early, but we are happy and energetic. I got a beach run and short beach swim this morning while L and the boys performed their morning ritual of coffee and hot cocoa. It is a good tradition and turns into a morning of play on the beach which is fun. Today they discovered feeding their morning baguette to seagulls. L departed at 9 with Kelly (Scott's wife) to go on a hike on the Manly coast. The boys opted to stay local and bus to Middle Head where there is an old fort. It was a huge success with fun structures and tunnels to explore. The views were stunning and I now understand why it is called Middle Head: it is directly between North and South Heads and looks straight out into the Southern Pacific ocean. We boys all had fun and then bused back into the central part of town where we resupplied at a local grocery store. I think that was a fun experience for the boys and then we bused home. They learned a valuable lesson about taking the first available bus because they opted to wait for the second bus that ran late. So I think they are really getting a fun experience and learning. It was funny when I told Finn he was looking the wrong way for the bus. Laura was home when we arrived and the wind had shut down. I took the opportunity to grab Scott for a paddle here in the harbor (or harbour rather). I paddled his board down to the rental shop and then grabbed a rental board for myself. We spent the next 2.5 hours touring the harbour to Spit Bridge and looking at all of the houses with great views. Along the way I bummed a sausage from a guy grilling on his boat and found a $50 bill floating in the water. So the SUP session paid for itself. :-) We just showered and are about to head to dinner to meet the Dales. So we have had a very fun Thu indeed.
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