Staying in a beach town north of Christchurch

Thursday, January 02, 2014
Waikuku Beach, Canterbury Region, New Zealand

 Thu Jan 2
Ty slept very late

Nice late morning hike in south part of headlands

2 hour drive to beach town. Quick peek at beach then mistake of fish and chips at local store. Then into the neighboring ghost town. Shopped then found Indian that was just opening. Yay!

Back to beach for fun then mellow dinner in apartment. Played on the dunes, jumping and rolling around. Good fun.

Fri Jan 3
Last day. Woke to rain. Had hot cocoa and coffee at store.

Then super fun time at flying fox (you can tell from all of the pictures we took). Weather cleared up and had nice time on absolutely deserted beach. Ty and I ran together; that was fun. We saw a kiter in a little dune buggy contraption. Then wind kicked up like crazy for walk home. Fun scene. 

Headed to Antarctic museum. No lunch along way so grabbed a bite at the cafe. Pretty good time at museum. Storm room was fun and good facts about transportation and life there and creatures etc. 

Back to lodging, stopping for gas and a few errands. Return to the flying fox and tried to rally peeps to go to beach but everyone wanted down time. Did some packing instead .

Off to dinner for a Thai meal. Kids had final ice cream. Final packing is done so ready for early departure from lodging tomorrow. 

Sat Jan 4 (two of them since we crossed the dateline)
Early morning departure from lodging but all went well and easy first flight to Auckland. We are homeward bound! Due to flight times, we had to spend a night in Honolulu, but relatively painless, especially for us veteran travelers. :-) Final stop in the airport lounge for breakfast then home at last to Maui.




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