Russell in the Bay of Islands
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Russell, North Island, New Zealand
Tue Mar 18
Morning run then pack up then on the road to Russell. Quick stop at the I-site to arrange our key and then off for a relatively quick hour and a half journey.
Stopped for a kebab in Pahia and then headed over to Waitangi to learn about the signing of the treaty in 1840. New Zealand is a pretty young nation. Decent video for information and then fun Mauri performance where I was the chief for our visiting tribe. Quick pic of the canoe and some groceries and then on to Russell.
Got lucky and popped right on the ferry and made it into Russell by late afternoon. Boys were in a mellow mood so relaxed for most of the afternoon. We had a mellow dinner of tacos and then got out for a family beach walk and football tossing.
Just before bed we got a fun game of pseudo keep away going. Was nice to use the baseball mitts that we have been hauling around the globe. Was a fun time on the lawn. The house is a bit funky but definitely an idyllic location. Should be a fun few days here.
Wed Mar 19
Laura and I left the boys in the house and got or for a morning walk together. We went over the hill and were in Russell in about 20 minutes. Laura got coffee and then we poked our head into the I-site at the end of the pier.
On the way home I noticed that the place that rented kayaks and catamarans also hired a self-guided motor boat for half and full days bad agreed that this sounded great as opposed to taking some Fuller cruise that would be packed with people. I went old school and stopped at the pay phone on the way home to get more info. When we returned home the kids were happily playing catch together on the lawn. Yay!
We booked the motor boat for 11 and started packing up gear and food. We were so excited that we showed up at the I-site before 10:30. The guy was running late due to a dentist appointment in Pahia so we cruised the town and bought ill-fated kid's fishing poles.
The boat arrived around noon and we were off on our adventure shortly there after. It was a super fun time and we by passed the first cove in search of a further one that was more empty. It was worth the extra journey and we found a secluded cove with only a few over boats.
We had a picnic lunch and a swim in cool but not too frigid water. We gathered oysters and a few mussels at the nearby rocks. It was quite fun.
We headed out and went to the other cove and did a short hike to a viewpoint. It was pleasant but we were very glad that we went to the other island for our longer stop.It was a really fun outing and we are considering doing it again.
We grabbed some butter and garlic to prepare our dinner victims and then headed home. The tide was still low so all of the boys headed out to collect mussels on the rocks in front of our house while mom kindly started dinner, including a huge pot of water for boiling shellfish.
We had a mellow dinner and played our game of keep away and then to bed.
Thu Mar 20
Slow morning. Independent walks. Lunch at Thai.
Fished and caught one. Decided to go to pier. Caught a fish then a duck.
Took ferry to Pahia. Not much to do even for an hour. Super short hike, bratwurst and bread. Then ferry back to Russell.
Afternoon of keep away and boogie sesh. Should have some fun pics of the boys.
Fri Mar 21
Morning walk with L. Boys had started a fire in the fireplace when we got home which was a little alarming.
Got packed up for hike to Flagstaff Hill. Arrived just as the crowds from the cruise ship got there. Started off to Tapeka but road was too narrow and windy. Wisely decided to drive. Got a little lost in Tapeka but eventually found the trail head. A scenic hike to the top of the bluff. Worth the journey.
Home for simple lunch and quick down time. Then back in to town to rent the catamaran. Ty and Laura decided to join which was fun. Nice half hour with whole fam sailing then Ty and Laura got a little cold so we dropped them off. Finn and I carried on to circumnavigate the cruise ship. Was a nice little sail.
Back home for quick gear change then off to the very quaint winery a few Ks away. Gorgeous setting and nice way to end the day and trip.
All the boys went for a boogie sesh and then Mellow dinner and TV before bed. Very nice day.
Sat Mar 22
Morning walk with L. She bought her jade. Pack up and drop rod off at I-site.
Quick stop in Whangarei for 20 minute boardwalk tree top hike.
Made it to Sheep World just in time for show. Was fun and Finn gave shearing a go. Nice leisurely lunch at cafe then fed animals until closing time.
Chance stop at little beach town for angina low tide hike. Then on to Mission Bay in Auckland for a yummy Indian dinner and walk on the beach.
Scooted off to airport and waited in line forever. But onboard and ready to go home to Maui.
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