Fourth day of pedaling

Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Schuddebeurs, Zeeland, Netherlands
Wed Jul 30
-we got up, had bfast, and then set out to tour the star shaped walls of Willemstad
-we were expecting a walled city like York but instead these were earth dikes Netherlands style. Imagine that. 
-it was a nice walk but after looking at old stuff we were ready to start pedaling even if our tushies were not.  
-the ride was nice but again there were trafficy parts, eg the bridges. We were in a separate lane but still the road noise was loud and made us appreciate the lone bike lanes. 
-there were nice views of the water occasionally but it wasn't quite the "miles and miles of endless water" that the guide talked about. Even so it was flat biking, away from cars, and we were having a grand time. 
-I told Laura that I was getting hungry and she wisely said let's stop at the next opportunity. 
-We stopped in the town square and found an unlikely place to eat of the choice available. I was surprised that Laura picked this cafe. 
-It turned out to be good and I definitely won with my order of a Dutch dish called krokets. Yum. 
-we pedaled on and were guided to the wrong address via the tour info. Must have been a hotel that they used in the past. 
-The GPS saved us again and we soon corrected course to our actual hotel. It seems pleasant and is in a teeny town. We are booked for dinner and will see how it goes. We are tired, hungry, and a little sore. So dinner should cure many of those conditions. 
-dinner was a painful 2.5 hour event with semi arrogant servers telling you what order you should get your dishes. Laura ordered a trio of soup and that threw everything off . We saw other tables order after us and be done before us. It was painful. Not as painful as a bike seat but very close. 
-The only cool thing we experienced was that we were there for the last 2 days of lobster season. So we were lucky to have some of our dishes. 
-after finally exiting the prolonged dinner we went for a walk in the "town." There was nothing there so we headed home for sleep. 
-today's bike stats: elapsed time 5, rolling time 3:30, distance 55 km.

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