Touring Prague

Thursday, June 11, 2015
Prague, Czech Republic
Thu Jun 11
-got going at last n was pretty clear that we were going to miss our connection in heathrow . Happily the competent agent at sfo had reserved seats on the next flight to Prague. So when we arrived heathrow we quickly got new tickets n notified our shuttle company of our delay.
Then off to the lounge to kill 3 hrs which was a bummer but we were such zombies it did not real matter.
-shuttle from Prague airport was painless although the guys were a few mins late. Glad I chose the private shuttle from a company w a U.S. n UK number.
-in our room at last at the hotel n quick shower n sleep.

Fri Jun 12
-L got a decent night of sleep but mine was pretty restless. Was up before 4 to read the guidebook n email etc.
-the day ended up feeling like 3 days in 1. We were both up by 4 n decided to use the early hours to go c the Charles bridge b4 the crowds got thick. It was a good choice n pleasant to walk around the city when it was quiet n deserted.
-Charles bridge in the morning light was pretty n we admired the statues. On to the Old Town to check out the square . Only the still inebriated were out on their trek home. We wandered around and tried to watch the Astrological Clock do its thing but then learned it only goes from 9-9.
-so we wearily returned homen I grabbed a short nap. L elbowed me awake around 7:20 n said she couldn't wait for bfast any longer so we headed down for a yummy bfast.
-then a nap til late morning n then out for a walk up to the Castle. It was pretty warm n the streets were crowded w tourists. It made us appreciate our 5AM experience.
-we negotiated the crowds until we needed a break n some lunch. We wisely bailed on a seat at a hot beer garden n nearly bailed. Lonely Planet to the rescue told us about an Asian place
that served plenty of veggie dishes.
-we navigated there n had a decent lunch but not overly spectacular. A weary n hot walk back n we were pleased to b in our hotel room
-AC on to cool down n snooze. We almost slept too long but rallied for a late afternoon walk. Temps were hot well past 6 n crowds still plenty thick.
-I opted for a swerma for dinner n kept L company while she had dinner at the hotel. It had
finally cooled down n the was pleasant to sit outside. Hotel location has been great even if the wait staff is a little stiff.
-to bed before 9 n hopefully we will finish adjusting to the 12 hr time zone diff



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