Stumbling upon the last day of "Bach Fest"

Sunday, June 21, 2015
Leipzig, Saxony, Germany

 Sun Jun 21
-we decided to head to Leipsig today to c some museums n the home of Bach. We wanted to get an early start but got going a tad later than hoped
-on the way we r stopping at Bastei which has a series of rock bridges built into the craggy promontories on the cliffs. We made it there before the 10am rush of tour buses n it was stunning.
We explored n bikes around for an hour just as the crowds started to get dense. It was an excellent stop
-onward to Leipsig with an interesting detour right at the end due to an accident on the motorway. Go GPS!! We continued our tradition of driving in a pedestrian only zone as we hunted for our hotel. :-). Glad we have a teeny car.
-we got settled into our simple but clean and adequate hotel n learned that we were surrounded by Indian restaurants. Awesome!! We quickly parked in one and had a decent but not overwhelming meal. Still nice to have Indian.
-we had learned at the front desk that today is the last dayof "Bach-fest" so we headed over to the info center to get more data. We got a schedule of events and directions to the event tent where we learned we could get last minute tickets for $10 each for a concert starting in 15 minutes. Seemed fortuitous so off we went to get in line
-the concert was nice although the pews were uncomfortable. We bailed after an hour n went to check out the two GDR museums. The first one had almost no English n was done very 1989 style so it was disappointing.
-the second one was better n explained the brief history of GDR from 1949-1989. What a crazy 40 years n interesting to think that a good bit of it happened during our lifetime. Was a good stop.
-back to the hotel for some overdue showers. Then out to dinner to try a second Indian place. Service n food were slooooow n food was only ok. So a bit of a bummer but given all the things we have been able to do in Leipsig in an afternoon, it has been a success. 



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