Day 4 - Stavanger to Flaam

Monday, June 20, 2011
Flåm, Sogn og Fjordane, Norway
Day 4 20th June 2011

Stavanger to Flam

After a bit of a poor night's sleep, it’s all a bit strange, we arrived in Flam at 7ish . A tiny village of 350 people and a railway. Tina had got up in the night with what she thought was cramp but turned out just to be the combination of wearing heels and the stairs lol! Had a peek out the window and it was still light even at 3am. We had entered the Fjord at 1am so was a pretty sight. We got a nice welcome from the happy campers out early in the morning. These fjords are pretty spectacular though especially when you think of the size of ship we are on. Watching the kayakers makes the whole thing seem even vaster.

Had breakfast in the room again. And then out early for a stroll around Flam. Have opted not to do any of the trips and just discover it all for ourselves. It is a tiny little place but so pretty. Stopped in the obligatory tourist shop, they had nice fleeces but with Norway written on them, funnily enough. Tina decided she didn't want one because when she was at home she wouldn't be in Norway - then again we’re never in 'reebok' but i suppose there is a weird sort of logic . The ship dwarfs the houses. Walked up to take a look at a pretty waterfall and then back to the ship for lunch. The river was pretty amazing; in fact the whole place was very like Yosemite but with more water. Was supposed to be 22 and sunny today but no sign of it yet so will hit the spa this afternoon. Took a few pics including one of a river with a white house by it...

Took lunch in the restaurant today, not sure that the cattle market, 'pile it on two plates haven't eaten for a week' aka the kings court buffet, is something we want to experience today. So we didn't. Nice mulligatawny soup and a bit of tuna instead. We headed off to the spa after checking out the library and the Internet room, which was shut. There is a mac dedicated room with 20 iMacs and a training course in all things mac. With no one in it!

After lunch and a stroll we headed for the spa. Have to pay thirty bucks each to go in but it's nice. After a steam and a few whirlpool things we decided to have a massage and Tina talked me into one, which was actually quite pleasant albeit not cheap despite the special in-port offer . Spent some time in the jacuzzi where we met our barrister dinner companion, who announced he was almost picked up by a young guy earlier. In the relaxation room we struck up a conversation with three 'youngsters' who Tina decided were about twelve to see how they were getting on with it, turns out they were 35-42 and sisters, after a few embarrassing moments with them saying they had saved up from their paper rounds... we left. They were having a great time though.

Bit of a drama leaving Flam. We set off, turned around then stopped. After a while the captain came on the system and explained there were two medical emergencies so we had to back in and wait for two ambulances. No idea where they came from in the middle of nowhere. So after we dropped off those unfortunates we set off about 1:30 hours late.

Anyway, back to the room to get ready for dinner smart casual dress code tonight. The women had some hysterical fit over husbands wearing bow ties on a particular bit of their anatomy, seems we are all still repressed! Luckily we all have the same sense of humour . The barrister chap, Morris, was especially keen after explaining he was frisky after the jacuzzi but was not offered any release back in the cabin, he'll have to up his game as married for only 2.5 months.... More talk of the slasher case and Maurice said the guy asked his advice after the trial, once he gets into another relationship should he tell the new girlfriend, this was a big dilemma. 

After dinner we took in the show which was a bit better but still a touch pans people.... Then off to bed. It's weird, almost midnight and it's still light enough to read. Sunset not until 11:30 tonight and sunrise 3:00 am, it will really be the longest day for us. Put out our breakfast order for 7 am as we have been up most mornings. And we want to be up tomorrow to hear John talk us up the Gerainger Fjord which is supposed to be spectacular so need to be on deck by 8am.



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