Day 7 23rd June 2011
At sea
We decided to have breakfast in our room as no rush when at sea so had a nice quiet start
. Played suduko on the ipads. Read our books and just relaxed. We have made plans to meet up with the gang for pre-dinner cocktails at 7ish in the Commodore Club.
We spent some time wandering the ship before lunch and as it was a bit breezy no-one much was about, so we just watched the rigs go by and generally amused ourselves doing not a lot. Tina caught a few rays but not so's you'd notice and then off to the Queens grill for lunch. We were soon joined by the gang and so a merry lunch was had by all. Bet they will be glad to see the back off us. Morris, Stef and ourselves have tickets to see the guitarist Mark Ashford playing live to the Planetarium show at 6pm so back to the room to chill out before afternoon tea at 4pm. Well we will be having late dinner.......
We got to the commodore club a bit late, as usual, and had some interesting sparkling cocktails. Shirley was dying to tell them Tina's job so that sparked a whole load more discussion on pretty much everything under the sun, with Maurice being his usual self. He'd decided one option with Steph was not to worry if she wasn't actually awake....
We also discovered the dreaded C had hit us all so more chat about that and life generally. After a couple of cocktails we repaired to the restaurant and spent another 2 hours rabbiting which is all very unusual. We discovered Nigel was responsible for the worst present in the world - a large bag of birdseed (although later we discovered it came with a bird table). Last to leave again! We tried out the dance floor but it's a bit dead. Next time we'll brush down our dance and stun them all!
Back to watch the sun set :(
Day 7 - Day at sea
Thursday, June 23, 2011
North Sea, International
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