Friday, September 23, 2011
Oceano, California, United States
Our first stop on our trip was down south along the California coast to Oceano....just south of San Luis Obispo and north of Los Angeles. Nice, warm weather and lots of sand dunes to explore. We mainly took inventory of our stuff, put it all away in new locations and rested up from our month long preparation...pant, pant, pant.

Before embarking on our journey, we went through all our house "stuff" (as George Carlin would say) to see what we wanted to keep and store and what needed to be tossed. THEN we had a garage sale out front with a huge F-R-E-E sign over our the front of our garage and just let people come and take what they wanted. It was great. Kim had to start packing the coach for a full-time lifestyle while I started taking items over to our self-storage unit. This continued for the entire month where it was in the upper 90's every day.

After e got about 50 miles away from the house, going down I-5 south of Sacramento, a van pulled up beside us and pointed to our GoldWing motorcycle we had on the back of the coach. I thought "He's telling us he likes the's pearl yellow...very attractive. But he kept motioning to it. So I took the next exit which ended in a cull-de-sac and got out to see what the commotion was all about. As I came around the back of the coach, I saw that the bike was at a 45 degree angle pointing backwards and that it was being held by only one strap!!! AAAACCCKKKK !!!
The heat followed us all the way down to Oceano where it finally got cooler as we approached the coast. Thank goodness!

A couple of days we went over to see my mom's younger sister, Aunt Linday...a wonderful lady who now lives by herself up in the foothills.




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