Last Tuesday I joined the highest grade on a trip to University of San Carlos, the only public uni in Guatemala.
It's in Guatemala City which is about an one hour drive from Antigua.
The students were also really excited as most of them rarely leave their home town so a trip to the capital was a big deal. You could feel the anticipation in the air as we all piled onto the chicken bus (old American school buses) at 7.20am after picking up our pre-prepared packed lunches.
On arrival, the students were given a talk about getting into the university and how to apply. Then they were given a tour of the campus which is pretty big. It made me quite nostalgic for Bath and realise that I am looking forward to being back next year.
They got the chance to go around the different stands and it was so nice to see some of them getting really excited about the prospect of studying there. It's amazing to think of the opportunity the school has given them and the fact they will continue to be supported all the way through university if they go.
It was a great and really inspiring day and makes me appreciate the opportunities I have been able to access all the way through my education!
What an excellent opportunity for the students. Hopefully they will be able to realise their dreams and attend the University in the future. Nice to hear that you are looking forward to being back at the University of Bath next year. xxx