Saturday, May 02, 2009
Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain and Canary Islands
Hola from Barcelona, a virtual assault on the senses. We´ve been here 2 days, but given the long, exhausting days, it feels like much much longer. We landed, coming off our wonderful cruise on Navigator of the Seas, with a pocketful of their great chocolate chip cookies, and buffet withdrawal pangs. The 14 days of sailing included 7 across the Atlantic. Visions of stormy seas, with sailors hanging on to rigging so as not to get washed overboard, as depicted in many a movie, were in fact, replaced by a smooth tranquil and downright pleasant voyage. Nary a wave was felt, and when they were evident, the ship´s stabilizers cut through them and we passengers felt nothing. This was further enhanced by mostly temperate weather. Don´t know if it was luck or what, but we wouldn´t hesitate taking such a cruise. The days onboard were full of activities, if you chose, or just vegging, if that was what you wanted. We met some really nice folks and I picked up a ton of new jokes, which if you´re (un)lucky, you´ll get to hear,

Barcelona is teeming with people, possibly due to the May 1 holiday- Everywhere we went, we found hoards of tourists and citizens enjoying the many sights and areas of Barcelona. What a jewel of a city, offering so much variety in the types of experiences you can have. We chose to walk and use public transport. The Metro is a model of efficiency and cleanliness, although the route map resembles a plate of colored spaghetti. Within one day, we had it figured out, however, and made our way quite well, with miles and miles of walking as well. The sights and sounds of this vibrant city, the beauty of the environs, and the friendliness of its denizens all make for a delicious cocktail of travel experience. We did have our challenges however. With the throngs of visitors, we couldn´t get into many of the attractions here, such as the buildings of Gaudi, a national treasure of an architect, who built some of the most imaginative and surreal buildings one would ever see. We would trek to a site and see a line of 2 hours or more, and in frustration, move on, having to content ourselves with exteriors only. We also had some major rain, which dampened our plans to some extent. The flamenco festival which was happening nearby sounded like something not to be missed. We missed it, thanks to the rain. Despite the setbacks we encountered, we were enchanted by the city, and want to return. It is very much a city of sites to be seen, but I realized that it is much more. It´s a celebration to be experienced, a plethora of emotions, and an adventure to live. Perhaps walking the streets was the ideal way to come to that realization.

Today, we are about to take a bullet tain to Madrid which for us will be new territory. We are meeting our friends Stan and Debbie for a few days there and have a long list of things we want to see and do while there. I would like to see the bullfights but Bonnie is less enthusiastic about this.

By the way, it looks like I will have to confine my blog to verbiage, as I can´t figure out to get my photos on the blog and don´t have the appropriate wires to do so anyways. I will try to paint my pictures in words for you.
For now, hasta luego!! 
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Re: Never alona in Barcelona?????
Hello Favourite Cousins,

Our hotel has free Internet. Hoo-rah! We have been out all day ( 9 am- 10 pm)and are quite exhausted. Sightseeing is as hard as work, but a hell of a lot more fun. AS you can tell from our latest blog entry, we are loving Madrid-- what a charming exciting place to explore, especially with someone you love and like. While things here are quite expensive thanks to the Euro, it is worth it. last time we were in Spain, they were still using pesos, and it was like being in Reading. Everything seemed so cheap. Anyways, we have had such a great time thus far, who cares, right?

I really want to thank you for your comments to our blog. You do know that everyone can read them. So be careful with what you say. We don´t want any angry Smythes, do we? We´re so glad that you´re using our trip as an incentive to convince Warren to do a Med cruise. I assure you that he will love it. It´s the best of both worlds--you get to enjoy all the ship´s facilities, yet explore the exotic ports you visit without the schlepping that Bonnie and I are doing in getting from one place to another, finding accomodations, etc. Actually, for me, that´s part of the fun and challenge of the trip. Everytime we screw up, get lost, etc., I now have a pat response: AND THAT¨S WHY WE WERE THE LAST TEAM TO ARRIVE! You have to be an Amazing Race fan to truly appreciate that.

Well, I better keep it short, as I have afew more emails to send and we´re out early tomorrow to catch our train down to Seville. Myrna, I hear a barber joke coming!

We love you guys, and again, thanks for your comments. Bye for now.


Re: No Pirates in the Caribbean, thanks G-d!
Hi Hope,

Actually, its cervecas and vino, both of which are excellent here. THe days have been so warm and sunny, it´s a perfect way to quench your thirst. Even Bonnie´s drinking beer! Our time here in Madrid leaves so many pleasant memories that we´ll be sorry to leave it. So much we never got to. Anywho, Bonnie is up in our room getting ready for our train south tomorrow morning and sends her love, as do I. She´s dying to talk to you, so don´t be surprised to get a call from Spain one day soon. We have just a few more days here in the country and on Friday, it´s off to Cairo. Still seems unbelievable to us. Be well, and thanks again for your response to our blog. You´re the best friend one could ask for.


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