Spain, We Love You

Friday, May 08, 2009
Seville, Andalusia, Spain and Canary Islands
Hola from Seville, a beautiful city in Andalusia, the southern region of Spain,

We are on a whirlwind sprint through this part of Spain, having left Madrid for 3 days before returning there for our flight to Cairo. e.g. If this is Friday, we must be in Cordoba..... Seriously, we trained to Sevilla, where we spent the better part of the entire day visiting the cathedral, the 3rd largest in Europe and the largest Gothic cathedral in the world, then climbed the belltower. Guess what? This cathedral is huge. You are humbled by its size, its height and its wealth on display. Amongst so much more , you see the highly cherished royal gold crown with thousands of jewels including the worlds largest pearl. You are also humbled by the dozens of tour groups-- a virtual tower of Babel. On the upside, we could hook into an English tour group by just happening to stand nearby. But actually our Rick Steves tourbook was better--more concise and to the point about what we were seeing. We also had time to tour the former Jewish quarter, completely replaced when the Jews were forced to either convert to Christianity or be killed. It´s a maze of narrow streets and pretty squares, now filled with endless shops and innumerable cafes. We heard wonderful street musicians, ate tapas, and walked and walked. But this is what you do here. There is so much more to see in Seville, but alas, we were limited in our time, and so, prepared for our next day, one that would prove to be a trip highlight-- a visit to the famed Alhambra and a night of flamenco.  
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How exciting!
You are in the country I most wish to visit, and I'm really enjoying the entries you're posting. Very rainy and nasty day here (Saturday, May 9)so I hope you're enjoying better weather. My grandson celebrated his first month yesterday..whoohoo! Anticipating your next travelog....Cecile


Re: How exciting!
Hi Cecile,

WHen you're ready to go, call us. We'll have tons of advice for you. We love this country. Congrats on the newest family member. Everyday must be a delight for you all. Bye for now. D and B


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