The Silent Partner Speaks

Thursday, June 25, 2009
Tiberias, Galilee, Israel
I think it's about time that the Silent Partner speaks (or writes).

David has done such a superb job of chronicling our activities that there is little to add. That leaves me to only record my reflections.

My husband has aptly named this- "The Trip of a Lifetime" and indeed it has been.

One of the most important parts for me has been the people we have visited, especially family. I was reunited with my cousin Nurit and her family (including her step-mother Miriam) after an absence of almost 30 years. Time melted away. It was so hard to say good-bye.

We were delighted to spend a morning with Simon and Danielle Weintraub and their three young children. When we left, we said to Gefen, their oldest, "Hope to see you again!."
Without hesitation, she replied, "Don't worry, you will." I look forward to that day.

Three days in an Ashkelon kibbutz with my brother-in-law's niece, Zviah and her family. Warmer, more hospitable people, you will never find.

One more kibbutz with my friend Shelli's brother in law where we were treated to a real Shabbat. A much needed break from a hectic schedule.

Tomorrow we meet with my cousin Reuven, his five children and his former partner-Ronit.
I am actually tingling with excitement.

There is something about this country that defies description. My dear friend Hope calls it her spiritual homeland. Homeland is the key word. Despite the language difficulties, I feel at home here. The experience at the Kotel was almost spiritual. I deposited my little note in a crack in the wall and said a silent prayer at the Western Wall in the tunnels.

I can't tell you how many people have gone out of their way to help, from the man in the internet cafe who saw we were having difficulty to the lady who walked us in the right direction.

We constantly marvel at what the Israeli's have accomplished in only 61 years, despite adversity.

We love this country. It won't be 30 years before we are back.

My very best to all.

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Bonnie DOES exist!
So nice to hear from you, too, Bonnie. Glad to see David relinguished the keyboard long enough that you could share your impressions of Israel. Stay well and have a wonderful time! And write again before you come home!


Re: Finally........the good looking one
Hi Sunnies,

Any plans for the weekend of July 10? Seems that we'll be in the area, after landing in NYC. We thought it would be great to visit the Dresher and North Phily kinfolk. We're planning on going to AC on the 8th for two days of jet lagging, and thought we'll be ready for human interaction again on the 10th. Hopefully, by then, you will have recovered from the unveiling trip, as well.

Tomorrow, we're off to Turkey for a week, but hopefully, we'll have access to the Net from our hotels there. So just let us know what your thoughts and availability are like, and we'll go from there.

Hope we can work it out for at aleast a dinner!

All our love,
The Lilies


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