Monday, June 29, 2015
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
If there's one question that we're asked often, it's: "So when's your next trip, and where are you going?" I guess that we've established a reputation for frequent, and somewhat outlandish. travel. Our reaction is simply: Guilty as charged! 

And I guess that there are far worse things to be known for, like starring in twerking videos, peeing in restaurant mop-buckets, spending like drunken senators, or my personal favourite, being Donald Trump. 

Anyways, it's true, We're off again, this time hitting the highways and byways of the great USA. We have no travel agenda, no specific route, and no bucket list to guide us, Only the desire to visit places we haven't been to yet, (and a few that we do want to re-visit because they are so amazing). I know that this sounds too unstructured for many, but not for us. The freedom of the open road is addictive, and we intend to get our next fix. We'll just take it as it comes, another part of the adventure. 

Hopefully, we'll do it safely. Hopefully, we do it wisely. Hopefully we'll do it healthfully. Hopefully, you'll come join us, by reading the blog and sending us feedback.

We wish you a wonderful summer.




Photos & Videos



Have an AMAZING time where ever the roads take you.


Happy Canada Day! I see from your travel length, we'll both be home around the same time. I love to read your blogs when you travel, so I look forward to them all.
I hope I can "get" them on my iPad when I'm away as well.
Safe driving and enjoy.

Hope and Sonny

Wishing you safe travels and wonderful times on your journey. We look forward to sharing this adventure with you! Love to Betty and Wolf!!


Have a great and safe trip. We love being part of your adventures.

Jenn & Stew

Happy travels and remember if you are down in sunny FL anytime in September,
we do have a new place for you to stay!!! Be Safe, always!!! Love you guys!!!

Melissa Gold

Have an awesome and safe trip! Just stay away from tornadoes, okay?

Suresh Chawla

Hey Daoud, Daveed, why do not you include me in your adventures. You know how to live. Be careful of HONG KONG type of situations. Hope you can handle those " WEAPONS "
Cheers Daveed. Safe travels.


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