Thursday, July 09, 2015
Cleveland (Land of Cleves), Ohio, United States
CHAPTER 1 And the Lord hath commanded us thusly: Thou shalt leave thy peaceful home and wander throughout lands both strange and familiar. Fear not where the sojourns will take you, know only that they shall be good. And we obeyed and saw that, yea, it was good. And the sojourn began thusly. We travelled in a southerly direction to the kingdom ruled by a misguided though benevolent ruler. Our travels were neither lengthy nor arduous as we arrived at our first destination, the land known for its voracious consumption of the wings of chickens, yet curiously named after a beast of the plains. Lo, it was the dwelling of family long unseen. All present took joy in sharing our momentous return, and feasts of delectable food and drink were shared over the course of the many happy days spent together. This culminated in a celebration shared throughout the land, in which the people arose in loud proclamations and drank copious amounts of wines and spirits. The theme of the festivities was independence from foreign tyrants, and we joined the people of the land as they took pleasure in the colourful works of fire exploding in the night skies.

CHAPTER 2 Days spend in the bosom of family soon came to an end, and the journey was to resume once again . Thus, we girded our loins, and prepared to continue that which was commanded of us. We journeyed in a westerly direction to a land new and foreign to us. The land of Cleves was but a few short hours spent on a well-travelled route we shared with a multitude of kings of the road. The land of Cleves lay aside the Sea of Erie and was a welcome sight to our eyes. It was a land in which time had laid siege to its structures, but which its current rulers sought and had succeeded in restoring it to its former glory. Contrasts were evident everywhere. Twas as if the Lord and the devil were engaged in a contest to possess the land. An abundance of wealth and privilege amidst a sea of despair. One moment beauty, the next harshness. Wealth , then poverty, Yet, our time spent among the friendly Cleves was satisfying, and the many wondrous sights endeared us to this land in ways unexpected. We wandered through large lush green places, busy comestible markets offering the freshest of foodstuffs, streets of shops in which the merchants had embraced their heritage, and many areas rife with eating and drinking establishments for the gathering of souls hale and hearty. We joined them, and it was good.

CHAPTER 3 And it was destined that we be drawn to a place of great hero worship and reverence. We spent many joyful hours within this monument to man's musical ability. The many to whom this museum is dedicated were lauded and celebrated in all senses. And we were awed by the beauty of this temple and by its contents. And we were bathed in the joy of the music of the rock and of the roll. And we were humbled by what we learned, and heard, and felt there. And it was good. Very good.

Our last day in this land was spent in witnessing a wondrous collection of human creations and antiquities within the confines of the art museum of the Cleves. And wondrous it was, and memorable, and we were humbled, with the hand of the Lord truly evident.

And, as is evermore, in the morrow, we shall continue our wanderings towards the City of Wind, on the shores of the Sea of Michigan, the home of the revered animal tribes Cubs, Bulls and Bears, known for all manner of social engagement, limitless entertainments, lavish structures, and a local food baked within a dish of considerable depth. It is with anticipation that our journey passes through this land.

May peace be with you, our readers.



Well, you never cease to amaze or fail to entertain me with your colorful, G-d fearing travel blogs! It certainly seems as if you are having a wonderful time together exploring new and Biblical places! May you continue to have fun and safe travels wherever you may go!

Love you wanderers!

Honey and Danny

Love the read. Go forth and wander (hopefully for the next 40 years). Toast me today as it is my birthday. I have joined the 65 club and not too happy about it.
Be well, be safe and enjoy.

Love Honey and Danny


How wondrous and fruitful your days shall be under the protection of the Almighty.
Keep on trekking!!


So great to read your "pious" blog! Glad you enjoyed Cleveland and I love the photos. Have a safe trip to Chicago, one of my favourite cities. Great museums there too.
Cool and cloudy here today, but promises of sun and heat tomorrow...when the Pan Am games begin!!

Hope Springman

Lo, and the Liliens have posted yet another amazing blog! ! In your honour, I (and probably all your fans) will be girding my loins in anticipation of your next entry. Enjoy Chicago - one of my favourite cities! Wishing you wonderful and safe travels! Xo




May you wander happily for at least 40 days with GPS to guide you by day and clouds of fiery neon lights by night. May you wander in the wilderness and eat "manna" meals to feed your hungry curious wandering soul! You will discover many delights and win many battles with the enemies of poor signage, expensive lodging, poor directions, yappy tour guides who shepherd you and inns with "no room"., Your GPS (God's Protection Service) will be your guide and you will surely reach the "promised land of milk and honey" of Toronto. Blessings, and may God protect you, sincerely.

Melissa Gold

Are you going to continue to write in this vein? Will wonders ever cease? (This I gotta see!) Have fun!


Shabbat Shalom! We hope the Lord has shined down upon your countenance and has blessed you with safe travels, much manna, and drinks to excess. How have you found the city of Chicags? We were there many years ago and there is much to indulge yourselves in.....sights to see, a beautiful lake to admire, White Sox to enjoy....and the list goes on! Hope you continue to enjoy your journey! Thinking of you often!


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