Friday, July 17, 2015
Branson, Missouri, United States
Welcome to cheesy and tacky America. Oops, did I just insult an American institution? Well, I guess that I did. As far as we were concerned, it was largely a town in which the neon sign providers and the national chains prospered. Hotels and motels of all stripes line the streets, punctuated by large theatres offering a wide assortment of shows and entertainers,... as long as you like country western, show business has-beens, or never-beens. In fact, Branson is the largest live theatre centre in the U.S. 

We went to none of these shows, either because we had little interest, they were dark, not on at inconvenient times, or because of outlandish prices . Regardless, we’re not talking Las Vegas quality here, folks, as far as we could tell. Perhaps we are wrong, but we were going by gut impressions. There certainly are enough of these shows to attend, and apparently, people can go to 2 or even 3 a day, since some start at 10:00 a.m.. And people must enjoy them, right? Otherwise, nobody would come here. So, it must be our jaded perceptions. Or maybe, we didn't give it enough of a chance....

In contrast to what seems the norm, we spent our time just relaxing at the pool. We were tired from the intense travel and touring, and needed some down time to recharge our batteries. And it worked. We finished our stay in Branson with a night at a dueling piano bar, eating good pub grub and drinking beer. It felt like being at a party with friends. The music and humour were entertaining, and it was the highlight of our Branson stay. Nonetheless, we are not contemplating a return trip to this burg. 
Next stop, Oklahoma, with Tulsa and Oklahoma City on our radar.


The Sunnies

Well, it looks like we won't be putting Branson on our bucket list!! Can you see Warren going to these shows and enjoying them? No, me neither! But as I always say, you two are happy just being together no matter where you are! You are certainly making your way across the U.S. and seeing some wonderful sights!
Continued safe travels....looking forward to your next blog!


Good late morning! Another interesting blog, but you guys seem a bit disappointed.You know why? You've been to so many places that awe and inspire you. I am not a country and western fan either, but it is a popular genre for many. We are having the most glorious weather here today: breezy, sunny and warm. The humidity threatens to rise, but we remain hopeful.
I look forward to the next installment. :)

Hope Springman

I am as disappointed as you in the offerings of Branson, as it's such a popular destination for many people. Oh well - onward to more fun and exciting places! Safe travels to OK - Oklahoma, and looking forward to hearing from you soon. Everything great at home - Canada is basking in the glory of an excellent showing at the Pan Am Games, with many Gold Medal winners making us proud. Weather has been wonderful - a great summer indeed! Sending you love!


Another great adventure for you guys - your grandparents probably sold dry goods out of a covered wagon in these places, going from town to town! I'll bet a good bagel is hard to find, but I'm sure the ribs and steaks are great. Keep the updates coming!


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