Sunday, February 07, 2016
Nantes, Pays de la Loire, France
It's about three o'clock in the morning in France. We landed in Nantes about 1:30 p.m. After making sure that all 47 students were entrusted to their eagerly awaiting families, we made a beeline for our hotel, where we hit the sack at about 3 :30pm. 
We are profoundly exhausted after our ordeal last week. Sleep seems to be the only cure.
Although we are in this lovely quaint portside town on the Loire river, I feel no urge to explore. I question the wisdom of taking this trip. My heart is so heavy with our losses. I hope that time will help lighten the grief.
I truly look forward to seeing my family in Israel as now more than ever I appreciate the value of family.
I hope my next entry will be more upbeat.
In sadness,

Photos & Videos



Dear Davi and Bonnie,
So glad you arrived safely at your first destination. The sadness is raw and it will get better as time passes....memories will always be with you, as they should be, but the intensity will get better with the passing of time. I am happy that you will be seeing family in Israel....yes, there is no substitute for family. Safe travels and know that we are thinking of you and love you two!

Rita MCGill

It is very hard to lose those you love, it takes time and new environments help to distract you for parts of the day. The picture on your site is lovely. Big hugs from rita


"Life is for the living", Aunt Betty said on one of her last days with us. She was not afraid, nor should we be. Let us embrace the sadness, allow it the space and time necessary, and then channel its energy towards cultivating joy. Now, with the acute understanding of the transient nature of all things, let us all climb the highest mountain and scream at the top of our lungs, "I fear not for I know love. I fear not for I AM ALIVE".

With love,

Hope Springman

Dear Bonnie and David, We have told you before that you take us all with you everywhere you go, and so it continues. We know that the recent tragic losses of close family members weigh heavy on you, but Betty, above all, would want you to carry on. She was a beacon of hope, joy and light, and an inspiration on how to live your life. This trip will be different from the others, and for us too, and we wish you safe travels and warm reconnections with family in Israel. Love, Hope

Cecile Lapowich

I'm glad to read everyone landed safely, and you are getting the rest you need. Time is a great agent of healing sad events, thank goodness, so give yourselves time to do so. AND, remember, you have a wedding coming up this summer which will certainly be a positive event to anticipate and enjoy.
Love and best wishes,


Bonnie and Cuk
I am thrilled that you 2 found the courage to go forth and conquer. You probably didn't know that you had this will power and strength in you,but, I sure did! May you find peace and beauty while you explore the countries you are seeing, the magnificent animals, and the people you will meet and visit.
Danny and I want to take a similar trip after he retires, so take lots on notes and of course pictures. You 2 will be our personal trip advisors!
I hope you can feel our LOVE only a few miles away(just a few),
HoneyBunny and Bananas


and so we go on....... and we walk with you step by step


Glad you have arrived safely. We will look forward to all that you have seen with your new eyes on love and life. Safe Travels!!! We Love you, Jenny and Stew


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