Saturday, March 19, 2016
Jerusalem, Israel
Our second week as volunteers in the army was pretty much more of the same. Each day we faced the dusty warehouse with its unending workload, putting in the hours and giving it our best effort. Bonnie and I continued the task we had previously been given, with the goal of completing it before the week was up and our participation over. We made good headway and it was evident that we would complete our 'mission' in time.

During the off-hours, it was mealtimes of standard army fare, some of it quite repetitious, though tasty and filling . Otherwise, it was socializing with the other volunteers, rest periods, and participating at the daily mandatory program in the evenings. We enjoyed these times immensely. What a great group of interesting, accomplished people. The evening program included sessions on Hebrew, Israeli history, the IDF, and our particular favourite, a lecture given by a senior member of the military. 

He gave us a supercharged talk about the importance of Israel's armed forces to its existence. Young adults grow up with the expectation and desire to be in the military. Those who have previously served willingly participate in the reserves into their mid-40s. Furthermore, he gave us a blunt description of the situation Israel faces with its neighbours and many enemies. It is in a continual state of preparation for operations or renewal from previous operations. It is nothing short of a fight for survival, given the current state of the Middle East. This was not propaganda, but hard fact. It was entirely absorbing, as he spoke with passion and conviction
I have strayed from the intention of the blog, but honestly, so much of our volunteering experience was imbued with the feeling that we were doing something worthwhile for this noble country. And it was a wonderful feeling. The days were tiring, but passed quickly and soon it was over. We volunteers had gelled as a group. It was sad to see it come to an end. 
This, however, was tempered by the excitement we felt because Bonnie and I were headed to Jerusalem for a brief visit before leaving Israel. We just couldn't imagine a trip to Israel without it.
A mere 1-1/2 hours after leaving our base in Beer Sheva, we were in Jerusalem, thanks to Israel's excellent intercity bus system. Frequent, fast, and cheap. Every time we have visited Jerusalem in the past has been a thrilling experience, and no two visits have been the same. It radiates with activity, continally abuzz with people in the streets, living their lives, shopping, socializing, going about their business. It's simply electric. The unique combination of historical sites, religous life, street markets, progressive architecture which blends in so well with the look and feel of the walled old city . Cobblestone streets and state-of-the art public transit are in complete harmony. It all boggles the mind. The city sits amongst breathtaking hills and vistas. Small wonder that Jerusalem has been the object of desire through the millenia, up to current times.
During our stay, we put quite a few kilometers on our shoes walking the streets, visiting the Western Wall, the Israel Museum, the Jerusalem Great Synagogue, and other sights. We cruised the narrow maze-like market alleys offering everything from spices to hookahs, menorahs to bottled holy water. There were scads of tourist-oriented souvenirs, foods for the home, noshes, and much more. So much fun. 
The Israeli Museum was a particular joy, and an unexpected treasure trove of art, historical artifacts, world cultural icons, religious items, and varied temporary exhibits. There was no way that we could do it justice in our 3 hours there. 
In contrast, at the Western Wall, its solemnity overwhelmed us, and the reality of the deep loss in our lives overtook us. We both cried, and it just emphasized what we have been feeling all along . This trip has been a wonderful diversion, but a diversion nonetheless, from the sad truth that we will no longer have Betty in our lives, a prospect what we simply cannot yet fathom. Our mourning will continue for some time to come.
One final unexpected event was the marathon which occurred while we were in Jerusalem. Thousands of runners from around the world were there. Much of the downtown was closed to traffic, and the security was rock solid throughout the morning event. More soldiers, police officers, and guns than we've ever seen before in our lives! We felt very safe despite the rash of knifings and shootings which has hit Israel. In contrast, it was great seeing the enthusiasm being displayed by runners, including their costumes, cheers, songs, and screams as they passed by.
Our next blog entry will be from Paris, our last stop on this trip, and one of our favourite cities in the world, for obvious reasons.     



It's hard to believe that yet another adventure is drawing to a close....I have thoroughly enjoyed reading about your journey, as is always the case! As I sit in my wheelchair and recoup from my surgery, your blogs have taken me to parts unknown! I truly feel as if I was right beside you on your trip and thank you for your vivid descriptions of places that were amazing and wonderful...may you continue to have safe travels. I look forward to talking with you upon your return! Miss and love you both!!!

Hope Springman

Your readers are also sorry to see this incredible adventure draw to a close, as we feel that we have been in Israel with you. What wonderful descriptions you give of your volunteer experience, as well as the visit to our beloved Jerusalem. I think about Betty every day, and I know she is watching over you as you begin your journey back home. Looking forward to seeing you soon and wishing you safe travels to "gay (??) Paree!" Xoxx

Cecile Lapowich

Another trip coming to a close! Hard to believe! The time seemed to go faster this year, but your blogs are so enjoyable to read, and your pictures so interesting. The apple core at the Israel Museum is great, your "tada" look for us as you show the hard work you both performed while volunteering and the "kiss" which you so cutely pointed out is not you and Bonnie are wonderful treasures and memories of this emotional trip. Safe journey home and enjoy gay Paree!


Kol Hakavod David and Bonnie.
It was wonderful following your adventures in S.A. and in Israel.
Safe trip home. G-d willing will see you soon.


can't wait to talk to you about everything when you get back! So exciting!


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