Friday, April 28, 2017
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
We're in the eye of a hurricane. At least that what it feels like. We've had so much going on around us, with the excitement of Amy's pregnancy, the sale of our house, initial downsizing efforts, looking for our next domicile, and so on. So, what better thing to do but escape. Ironically, this trip was planned before we knew any of this was going to happen. And while it seems ill-advised in its timing, it's going to be a good opportunity to gain the perspective from the distance that a trip abroad affords. As someone once said: "We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us."

When we return, the fun will really start, as we will have to get down to some serious planning, searching, sorting and detaching ourselves from much of our possessions. We have been reassured by others that when it's all done, we'll feel less encumbered, and ready to begin 'Bonnie and David Version 2.0.'

We'll start this journey with a relaxing cruise across the Atlantic, with all the fun that that entails. This will be our fifth ocean crossing, and they've always proven to be memorable. Not only do you get all the benefits of the cruise, you wind up in a pretty wonderful place. In this case, it will be Barcelona. From there, we'll take yet another cruise through the Mediterranean to Athens. Once in Greece, our plans are to visit a number of Greek isles before returning home in mid-June. Which islands, for how long, where will we stay, these are all unknowns and will stay that way. We'll do our usual vagabonding trip, and let it happen in real time, without any planning. This has worked for us in the past, and we will rely on it all working out. Part of the adventure, I guess. 

Our next blog will probably be from Athens. Stay tuned........

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Danny Krumholz

Nice to hear from you David and Bonnie. Have a great time. BTW our nanny's room is available - I know you guys can cook but how well can you clean?

Hope Springman

This is going to be one of your most exciting trips ever, as you begin "Chapter Next" together. You possess the most wonderful outlooks and perceive the possibilities that await. Enjoy this well-planned adventure - we look forward to reading your amazing blogs along the way. Love, Hope and Kenny

Joe Benezrah

Hope you have a great visit on the Greek Islands. We might even run into each other if you're there in July.The wine and the lamb chops in Greece are to die for. Enjoy!

Cecile Lapowich

WOW! What a set of news from you! Congratulations on the sale of your house and the fun of looking for a new domicile. I hope Amy is feeling great in her pregnancy and preparing for a wonderful new stage as well. It is a very exciting time in your lives.
Enjoy your trip across the ocean and I look forward to your next blog from Athens.


I was eagerly waiting for your first travel blog and alas, it appeared! I have no doubts that your most recent cruise will provide you with many colorful future blogs! I am SO excited to read about your adventures and subsequent experiences! This provides me with the desire to do some traveling when we retire (Warren is talking about next year....he will need to convince me as to the timing!). We are truly looking forward to seeing you both in TO when you return! Safe travels and happy trails to you! Love you both!!!

Melissa Gold

Hi, guys, Why do I have to read your latest travel blog to learn you've sold your house and Amy is pregnant?!?!? Can't wait to hear more from you. And meantime, have a great trip! Lots to see on the Greek islands! I can hardly wait to hear which ones you're visiting. So many to choose from!

And by the way, Travel Pod just sent out an announcement that they are shutting down on June 17! So one more thing to do when you get home is to download all your travel blogs to save them for the future!!! (No stress or anything, LOL).

Love you both!


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