We have arrived in Greece and I'm happy to report that, despite our concerns going in, the cruise was an unmitigated success. There were some differences from the cruises that we’re used to taking, but most were quite good. The Spaniards, who made up the vast majority of the passengers were a fun-loving, raucous group that regularly broke out into song or cheers. We never could figure out what prompted this, but by the end of the cruise, we were joining in, even though we didn’t know the words or the reason. It didn’t seem to matter either. Most of the announcements were entirely in Spanish, except when they were trying to sell you something e.g. bingo, gift shop, pictures, etc. We quickly got used to the pace, which, when compared to the previous cruise, was much more relaxed. The Spanish cuisine was mostly to our liking, and we were lucky with our dinner mates. We had worried about spending 7 nights with a table of Spanish-speakers, but instead, we were seated with two Gen X Canadian couples, and we all got along really well. It was almost like traveling with our kids.
Now, imagine this
. Of the 1800 or so passengers on the ship, we were chosen as the Ideal Couple. We earned this distinction by participating in a game that involved questions and some suggestive behavior with balloons. The less said about this, the better. At the end of it all, however, the audience voted. We received a standing ovation, and were given first prize. For the remainder of the cruise, people would come up to us and clap me on the shoulder, say something in Spanish, laughing. All I could say was "muchos gracias". We assume that they were complementing or congratulating us, but we never knew for sure.
Our stop at Santorini saw us climbing 1.5 kilometers up to the crater of an active volcano. While the young were bounding up the rock-strewn path, we were much less stealthy, but reached the top nonetheless. It was eerily stark, and you could smell the strong sulphuric fumes coming from deep below. After this, we were rewarded with a swim in the natural hot springs on a nearby island. At Mykonos, I chose to spend the day on the ship while Bonnie did a 4-hour tour, visiting various sites, and sampling local specialties
. She was a bit disappointed as the entire tour was in Spanish. Meanwhile, I had enjoyed having the whole ship to myself while most passengers had left to visit the island.
We left the ship the day after, landing in Piraeus, Athen’s port. We now had to make our way to the local ferry port, since we had planned to take our first ferry to Hydra, an island just 2 hours away by hydrofoil. The interior resembles an airplane, and you are zooming along at a fair clip. When we arrived at Hydra, we were instantly taken by the beauty and charm of this island. The streets are all cobblestone, there are no cars, and the 'taxis’ are donkeys. The white houses are situated along the steep mountainsides, and it is just picture perfect. The pace is low-key, the skies were bright blue, the sea clear and sparkling, and within 10 minutes, we had found a lovely guest house which became our home for the next 3 days. It was warm and cozy, and oozed of Greek hospitality. Each day, we explored, and each night, we enjoyed a different tavern with its delicious food
. As an aside, we learned that Leonard Cohen bought his first house in Hydra and loved it throughout his life, wrote ‘Bird on a Wire’ here, and his family still owns the house.
Unfortunately, I was under the weather, having developed a cough which turned into a mild case of bronchitis. A quick trip to the local doctor, and I was fixed up with antibiotics and a puffer. Within hours, I was feeling better. My recovery was further helped by a visit to a pebble-strewn beach along the cliffs which was right out of a movie. This was followed by a wonderful dinner under the stars. What a perfect way to spend our 41st anniversary!
Tomorrow, we ferry to Spetses, a nearby island known for its amazing beaches. We were last there was 1979, so we expect some changes. Still, when you’re in this part of the world, you’re just about as close to heaven as you can be.
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
Hydra, Attica, Greece
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Cecile Lapowich
Your description certainly sounds like it's heaven. How wonderful. Congratulations on winning the couples award. They all know a winning couple when they see one!! And congrats on your wedding anniversary...may you enjoy many many more. Looking forward to your next blog....stay safe.
Sarah Laiken
Happy Anniversary Bonnie & David! Your trip sounds amazing so far. Keep enjoying it especially when you meet up with Amy & Atiq.
The ideal couple, eh? I see your reputations are spreading across the ocean! I continue to love reading your blogs and your latest adventures sound like a fairy tale...you photos are simply breathtaking, as well. Continue to enjoy your travels....are Amy and Atiq meeting you on your travels? That would be awesome for all of you! Continue to be enchanted and amazed by all you see and do! Looking forward to our time with you next month....love you both!
Your wedding anniversary?? Hronia polla! Here's to many more! I so wish I were there with you!
Your wedding anniversary?? Hronia polla! Here's to many more! I so wish I were there with you!
You are a great story teller. Well done!
Happy 41st anniversary and I am delighted that you picked "heaven" as a venue. Amy and I are looking forward to joining you in the magnificent land in three weeks. Keep writing!
Glad to hear that you're having a great time and Mazel Tov on 41. Its been eventful here and fortunately the bris was a success. Keep on trekking. BTW what was the myth of the Hydra anyway.
Hope Springman
Dear Bonnie and David, your fan club has known for 41 years that you are the Ideal Couple - now the rest of the world is getting in on it! Mazal Tov on your anniversary! Love reading about your shipboard and island adventures and the photos are great!! Look forward to your blogs when you meet up with Amy and Atiq too. So glad David is feeling better! ❤️
Joe Benezrah
Wow! 41 years. Mazal Tov on your wedding anniversary.
keep on blogging...we love it.