Monday, June 06, 2011
Crete, Greece
Cruises are typically known for their lavish buffets, and this cruise is no exception. The variety and quantities available truly test the willpower of one and all. However, while all this food tempts one into new waist-lands, this cannot compare to the buffet of destinations we've visited on this glorious trip. I last wrote from Rhodes, a Greek island steeped in history, and oh so beautiful to behold. The capital has a walled city with fortifications a testament to the many forces seeking to rule it over the ages. Nowadays, it seems that the hordes of tourists rule. We had a one hour visit, choosing instead to take it easy by spending the bulk of our day at one of the ship’s pools. We were simply exhausted by the early days and late nights we have had over the past 9 days. We will likely revisit Rhodes later on in the trip. Besides, we were scheduled for our Israel ports, Ashdod (near Tel Aviv) and Haifa in the north which were coming the next two days, and these would be long days. It proved to be a good idea.

When we arrived in Israel, we had the stereotypical reaction . We both felt that we were, once again, home. It’s a feeling that combines pride of identity, excitement, anticipation, and comfort. Our plan was to spend the day with Bonnie’s cousin Nurit and her boyfriend Udi. We were warmly greeted at the port and it was so nice to see familiar faces and to once again to see Israel from Israeli eyes. We toured around Ashdod and their beautiful futuristic multi-discipline arts centre, and its moving not-to-be-missed memorial to fallen Israel soldiers. Mostly, we sat and yakked, catching up on people and pictures. Bonnie was in her glory, as she always is when connecting with family. The day whizzed by and before we knew it, it was time to return to the ship. Nurit is a warm, accomplished, exceptional woman, and Udi is your classic Israeli-- a strong, self-confident, good-natured stoic type, and we so enjoyed the day spent with them.

The next day, in Haifa, we treated ourselves to a day at a magnificent beach near the city . Gentle waves, warm salty breezes, frolicking people, you get the picture. However, one thing differentiated this beach from beaches the world over—the presence of two obviously-undercover men, one of whom had a large pistol tucked into his pants. As far as we could detect, their sole purpose was to ensure safety. This, together with the regular marine patrol of the coast, and the security checks at the entrance to shops and cafes and terminals were a constant reminder of the importance Israel places upon the safety of the people. How can one argue with this? We also did a mini-tour of the city, since we had just been there 2 years ago. As we sailed away that evening, and the lights of the city faded away, we felt a tinge of sadness, and said l’hitraot, till we meet again.


That night, the ship was abuzz with personal reactions and reflections on Israel and Israelis. While it seemed clear that many of our fellow cruisemates had had expectations going in, they came away with a very different view of the realities of the country . Still, the consensus appeared to be the desire to return. My own opinion is that you can’t fully appreciate just how fantastic the country is by simply spending a day or two in a tour bus. You’ve got to walk the streets, meet the people, and spend some real time there. Not that I have any illusions about my own personal understanding of this utterly complex and multi-faceted country and its people, I think that it is an onion whose successive skins provide a continually-enriching perspective.

Our last port was Crete, a Greek island and one of the largest in the Mediterranean. We found it to be quite laidback relative to other ports on this cruise, or maybe it was our attitudes that were laidback. The city, Chania, is built up the side of a mountain and the newer buildings are built amongst the readily visible and common foundations dating back a thousand years. We basically strolled the city with our old and new-found friends, encountering the gems that this port, Chania, had to offer . The market is laden with imposing piles of the catches of the day, fresh colourful fruits and veggies, household goods, and souvenirs galore. The harbour glistened in the day’s sun, and it felt so relaxing to take it all in in such a leisurely manner, a sharp contrast to the hardcore sightseeing up to this point. It was all about the ambiance, and we soaked it all in. Not that there was any shortage of vendors offering dreck of all sorts. The streets were lined with shops all designed to separate the many tourists from their euros, dollars, yen or what have you. However, none of the 6 of us was in purchase mode, so this had minimal impact on us. Bottom line: I can also see returning to Crete again on this trip. (sensing a pattern here?)

Alas, the cruise was soon coming to an end, and Bonnie and I were starting to mentally and physically prepare for the next phase of our adventure, the unplanned portion . We have arranged a flight to Athens from Rome, but after our Athens stay, we have made no firm plans. We are thinking about some options, however, including visits to several of the Greek Isles, as well as inland visits to some highly-recommended sites like Delphi and Olympia. Stay tuned.

We feel truly blessed to be able to take this trip and equally blessed that we have people like you who are interested in sharing it with us. Thank you so much, and a special thanks for your news, gossip, comments and emails. We love getting them!!!

Enjoy June!

David and Bonnie

P.S. We were recently sitting in a little street cafe sipping some nice Italian wine, when Bonnie said: "I love you." I asked her: “Is that you talking, or the wine talking?” Bonnie answered: “It was me talking to the wine.”     OK, so it didn’t happen, but I just had to share the joke with you.


The Sunnies

As I sit here at my desk at work, I read your most recent blog and a sense of peace and tranquility fell upon me. Your descriptions, experiences and appreciation for all that you have done and have seen are truly incredible! What a trip this is for you both......and I can enjoy it vicariously! Honestly, one day we will be in those magnificent photos alongside of know how to enjoy life and there will never be one day when you look back and say "I wish I had....." or "I should have......" because you ARE doing/enjoying it ALL!
May the trip ahead of you provide you with as many smiles as you have had up tot his point and we, as always, wish you safe travels!
Your Dresher Cousins

Cecile Lapowich

Hello Liliens!
Loved reading about your visit to Israel and Bonnie's cousins, touring etc. Nice that you feel at home there...and I really enjoy the addition of your photos this time as well.
It's June 6th already and I can't believe how time is flying by. My new grandson, Nathan, is a month old already, and filling out well.
Today, the Harper Gov't is presenting their budget, yet again, but this time there will be no opposition!!!
Looking forward to "the unknown" part of your trip....

Peter Richard

Hello David and Bonnie: I am enjoying your trip, but not as much as you. My 6 days in Rome was great after the TA with you. I spent one day as a break from Rome in the hillside town of Orvieto and that was a true and serene highlight. I am enjoying being home until June 14 when I will fly from my home in St Petersburg to San Francisco and spend a week with my brother in the wine country of Sonoma and then spend 4 days going down the coast to Monterey staying there and in Carmel and Morro Bay along the way. During the second week, I will spend it on my own in San Francisco leisurely enjoying the city while staying on a hill next to Fisherman's Wharf in a hostel that was converted from an old army base with a view of THE BRIDGE and the bay. I will return of June 28--2 weeks total. I am booked on the Celebrity Equinox for the TA on Nov 28 while spending some time in Sorrento and the Amalfi before the cruise. Join me! Have fun and best wishes, Peter

Hope Springman

Hi Bonnie and David - just love reading your blogs and seeing the beautiful photos. This sounds like the best adventure yet for you two! Enjoy every minute. My gang is fine and the weather finally decided to look at the calendar and warm up. We're looking forward to celebrating Mom's 85th birthday in a couple of weeks (did you know that if Marilyn Monroe were still alive, she too would be turning 85 this month?). A few dinners out and a 3-day getaway to Ste Anne's Spa. Can't wait to read your next entry. Love, Hope


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