Sunday, July 03, 2011
Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands

Here's an update on Bonnie's foot problems. The Dutch healthcare system has proven its mettle. We went for another set of x-rays and a new diagnosis. Lo and behold, Bonnie has neither a break nor a fracture. She merely pulled a tendon (very painful) which will take a few weeks to heal. But there is no need for her to stay off her feet. She will soon not need the crutches she got from the quacks in Greece who told her that she had a fracture and it would take 10 weeks to fully mend, This latest news brought a wave of joy over us, And we have now changed the name of the Greek doctor from Dr. Surewhynot to Dr. Notsurewhy!

We should be back in Toronto around the 20th of July.

All the best,
David and Bonnie

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yay!!! goodnews!!!

Valerie Gerechter

That's really great news!! Have a great cruise across the ocean - see you when you get home!
Love, V aka SIL

The Sunnies

Okay - I LOVE this latest diagnosis.......does that mean you may come and have some healing chicken soup and a matza ball in Dresher? Warren is a "doctor" and I am certain that he could whip up a delicious "potion" to help Bonnie's healing process! Should you feel like coming here, just let us know! The invite is ALWAYS open to you and needless to say, we would love to see you both.....think about it.....bagels, lox, cream cheese, brunch eggs.....Jewish penicillin!!! If you decide to go straight home to CA, have a safe, relaxing cruise back, a good flight to Buffalo, a safe drive home and the comforts of your own home awaiting you!!! We will definitely try to call you once you have arrived home (that is, if you decide NOT to come and see us :-) ).

Love you both and we are truly thrilled to learn that Bonnie's ankle is not broken OR fractured!!!!!


Hi Guys!
Excellent news about Bonnie's ankle...much more important than anything else. Have a great cruise home...Bonnie:no jumping or fast dancing!!! Safe journey back home.
Best regards,

Vicki and Martin

We are so happy to hear the ankle isn't broken. Enjoy the rest of the trip.

Hope Springman

Thrilled to hear that Bonnie doesn't have a fractured ankle. Nonetheless, take it easy and enjoy the rest of your trip. Love, Hope

Peter Richard

Hello Kids: Good news on the ankle, however, could it not be possible that there was a break and that it has healed? Don't ever question the wisdom of the doctor----Ha!Ha!


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