Musings from an Upscale Gypsy

Monday, March 26, 2012
Istanbul, Turkey
David is our official family blogger, but every so often, l like to add my two cents.

Although this has been the most amazing adventure, full of once in a lifetime experiences, it has not been without its share of adversity .

Fortunately, David's bout with the shingles was only a blip on the horizon. Caesar was warned to beware the Ides of March and we should well have heeded that advice. On the 14th, I developed an allergic reaction to something. We were able to control it with an antihistamene, but it still rears its ugly head. It won’t necessitate our usual visit to a local hospital, but I think we’ll check it out when we get home. On the 15th., our alarm clock broke, our guide didn’t show until all attractions closed, and we got ripped off on a new alarm clock which takes the alarm time you want, then apparently arbitrarily, it decides when it wants to go off.

We have learned some new things about ourselves. For instance, within five minutes of entering a hotel room, we can make it look as if we’ve lived there a week. Overnight trips on any mode of transportation, be it plane, train or bus, wreak havoc on our sextagenarian bodies. We then have to compensate by sleeping away part of the next day . We have to learn to pace ourselves-- twelve hour days, although they satisfy our desire to see and do everything, are no longer feasible. David is the language student, learning relevant vocabulary as we enter each new country and eliciting genuine smiles from the natives,who either appreciate the effort or find his versions of their language to be hilarious. I’m just along for the ride. After a week in Turkey, I still have difficulty with the Turkish `thank you`. No mean feat. It’s `teshacur aderim` or something like that. Finally someone told us that you can just say ``sowl`, or thanks. That one, I can handle.

It sometimes gets a little fatiguing being considered a wallet on legs. For the same article, there is one price for natives and one for tourists. One tour guide admitted as much.

Taxi drivers in Istanbul are infuriating. We haven't met many who haven't tried to overcharge us. We ask a native what the fare should be and ours winds up almost double . But these are the pitfalls of travel and we roll with the punches.

In general, we find that people are considerate and helpful. Fellow travellers are a delight as they share our love of wandering and discovery. Apparently it was Confucius who said that you can learn something from everyone and that no one person is better than the next.

There is something that totally baffles me. Why is it that every time we are on a crowded Istanbul tram, someone gets up to offer me a seat. I don’t think I look that old or infirm. I often refuse just to show I can withstand the jostling.

There has been no better holiday than this one-- with its diversity of people, places and experiences, but unlike my husband, who could continue this errant lifestyle ad infinitum, this upscale gypsy is ready to come home to roost.   At least for a little while,-until the laundry is done.

I miss you all.



Hope Springman

Dear Bonnie and David,
Wonderful to hear from Bonnie too. Not wonderful to hear about your health issues. It's been a fantastic adventure, but as Erma Bombeck so wisely stated, "When you start to look like your passport photo, it's time to come home." See you soon - Love, Hope


Hello again,
I am so happy to read you are on your final leg of such a fantastic issues be damned!! You both have such a sense of adventure, let's just do this and wise decisions, that the woes don't interfere much with the joys. Bravo to you both...hopefully, Harper will make you Canada's ambassadors to whatever country you choose. Thanks for the memories, the pictures and the fun along side your routes. Be safe on your way home.


Love yr blog and can't wait to talk of everything with yr photos. We will be home next week. Thanks for allowing us to love vicariously thru yr blogs. U should write a book


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