Monday, February 17, 2014
Bangkok, Thailand
Bangkok! It overwhelms you, with it's frenetic pace and non-stop energy. We landed here, and were immediately struck by the activity in the airport terminal alone. It can best be described as organized chaos. We couldn't wait to get out of the insanity. Fortunately, our hotel had sent a driver and we escaped, only to be confronted by equally insane traffic. But, it's amazing how quickly we adjusted to the city. We were exhausted from the long flights to get here, but not enough to prevent our straying out in search of some Thai food. In this city, finding food is a non-issue, as it's available on virtually every street corner. You simply let your nose and good sense guide you. We found some delicious chicken soup (definitely not the way mama use to make it), and dug in. Yummy, and more than enough. 

Well, I'm not going to bore you with the details of our visit, but there are a few noteworthy points. First off, we had lots of exposure to the demonstrations, and they appear, for the most part, to be confined to several specific locales (like main shopping areas). From what we saw, they mainly encompassed a combination of emotive speakers, intermixed with entertainment, free food and a social atmosphere. This is not to diminish or denigrate the issues or their importance to the people. Clearly, these people are fighting for their beliefs. As for violence, we didn't observe any. We never felt in any danger, and moved along with crowds of those others going about their business, doing their shopping, etc. Big screens and highly amplified speakers were strategically placed, which meant that you never got away from it, if you were in the area. Anywhere else in the city, other than the odd TV broadcast (it was on a few channels), there was no evidence of the political unrest. To repeat, we never felt any sense of personal danger.

What we did feel was a permanent state of fatigue . Between the sightseeing, the heat (in the 30s, or 90 degrees+ in Fahrenheit) and the humidity, we were constantly tired. Perhaps, age also had something to do with it. Hence, despite our ambitious plans, we only covered part of our daily agenda, sometimes choosing to return to our hotel for a blissfully air conditioned nap. We tried to see and do new things, and believe it or not, kept shopping down to a minimum. But, we indulged ourselves in other ways. How does a 2-hour massage sound? At $8 each!!! And yes, it was heavenly. Ironically, however, we have felt a bit of a letdown with Bangkok this trip. Perhaps, it doesn't hold the strange newness that it did the first time. We'd seen the major sights the last time, and had gotten to experience it before, so it has become more of the same to us. We are already working on an exit strategy, one that involves some serious beach time, and R&R. This will likely be on Phuket, an island an hour away by air. It's a popular resort destination, and somewhat pricey, but we feel that we need the break, so Phuket it will be for a week.



Good to hear from you!!!! We were most concerned about the demonstrations and your safety! Betty said that Phuket was fabulous so I'm sure you'll have fun. All the best safety and fun

Vicki and Martin

I was really concerned about you being there with everything going on. I'm so happy to hear you leaving. Enjoy the rest and the beaches. Don't cola in about how hot you are when we are freezing here!!!!


So sorry Bangkok turned into more of a disappointment, but glad you both are safe. Where are you off to now? Somewhere still warm, safe and interesting!
We actually have a balmy day in Toronto with a temperature above zero!!! However, it won't last and we'll be back down to double digits by the weekend. Rats!
My Amy closes on her condo today and moves in next Friday. Very exciting for her.
Looking forward to your next description of wherever you are. So enjoyable.


Loved the photos and your amazing descriptions. So glad you felt felt safe amid the social unrest. Enjoy your time as beach bums! Love, Hope


Some things are better the 2nd time around but enduring chaos doesn't usually fall into that category. I would have thought someone would have dressed you (David) as a Buddha and invited you to help end the demonstrations by your showing the true path to enlightenment.
As for the beach I just Phuk-et and enjoy the wonderful sand and scenery. BTW did you visit the canals and floating villages, and the market that shuts down when the train comes through last time, we found it all amazing

high today +4C.
Take care


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