Monday, February 24, 2014
Patong, Phuket, Thailand
Phuket, an island off the coast of southern Thailand, is a beach bum's dream. It has mile upon mile of pristine coastline covered in pure white sand and is surrounded by warm, azure waters. Turns out that February is an excellent time to go there, as the annual monsoons are still several months away. So, we joined the throngs of tourists from around the world in coming here. Besides the sensational environment, Phuket offers the tourist absolute great value for their travel dollar. For a relatively small sum, we can stay in a nice place, eat well, and have all our other basic needs addressed (e.g. transportation, laundry, haircuts). Moreover, it was a well-needed stop for us and one we greatly anticipated. Our original intention was 6 nights here, but this has expanded to 10, as we've settled into a comfortable routine and feel reluctant to leave our idyllic life here

We are staying at a small hotel that is clean and well-run by a friendly German fellow who has been here for over 20 years . It is located in Patong, a busy bustling town on the island, the main destination for party-seekers, backpackers, families and seniors alike. It is hard to describe to someone having only the western world as a frame of reference. In some respects. it's entirely up-to-date, with gorgeous huge busy malls, ultra-modern highrise condo buildings, and McDonalds, plus every other US food chain equally evident. Then, there's the flip side. These are the areas where the people live, work, shop. The contrasts are truly striking. Wealthy tourists, expats and citizens mixing with the average person looking to eke out a living. All share the streets which are full of trash, with mostly broken pavement. So many buildings are in shambles or close to it, the shops are in various stages of disarray, offering all manner of goods and services. Every street seems to have a plethora of market stalls, massage places (legit and otherwise), street vendors selling food out of dilapidated storefronts, pushcarts or simply by positioning themselves right on the sidewalks, countless tour hawkers, and the many motorcycle repair shops catering to the users of the pricipal means of transportation on the island

Yet, Patong maintains an amazing grasp on you, with its friendly people, its lassez-faire attitude, its outstanding beaches, and opportunities for fun. The heart of the city is Bangla Street which is a combination of Bourbon Street, carnival, and freak show. Throngs of tourists, kids enjoying the cheap alcohol available in the raunchy bars lining the street, touts promoting 'ping pong' shows, Thai boxing, tours, and tailors crowd the street day and night. Fun to visit and for us, a necessary evil as it sits between our hotel and the beach. 

Put simply, we are having a fantastic time here. So, what can you do for 10 days, besides enjoying the incredible weather. We start our days making a simple breakfast at the poolside table outside our room, then we go to the beach where $3 buys you a lounger and umbrella for the day. Then, dinner at a random street vendor or a small restaurant, followed by a walk in the town where the street provides the entertainment . Thrown in is the element of danger since the walks are along the side of streets congested with motorbikers, tourist vans, cabs, tuktuks, and obstacles galore. This is no place for the visually or physically impaired, as you really have to keep aware of your surroundings. Otherwise, you are likely to trip/fall, be hit by a moving vehicle, walk into street vendors or other pedestrians, or ?. It's a nutsy place, but so much fun. 

While here, we've also taken the opportunity to explore, with day-long excursions. For instance, we took a speedboat tour to a number of neighboring islands (known as Koh Phi Phi, actually pronounced PeePee), where we fed monkeys, snorkled, and swam at some of the most gorgeous beaches imaginable (one of which is where the 70s movie, The Beach, was filmed). Another day, we visited a resort and spent a lovely day enjoying their facilities. Of course, we didn't purchase a unit there, but it was tempting. We've also gone to a ladyboy show to watch a group of female impersonators lip-sync and 'dance' through a fairly lame show . What was amazing, however, was how gorgeous these guys were. In Thailand, the ladyboy scene is taken very seriously, and they are very good at it. The accompanying picture will attest to this. 

However, the highlight up to now was a dinner/show at a Disney-like hokey but fun ed FantaSea. The large property is chockful of Thai symbology and classical architecture, with a focus on the elephant. Purely for tourists, their obvious goal is to find as many ways as possible to separate you from your money. This is not a place where you would want to take kids because they would want to buy everything. That aside, a buffet dinner is held in a massive dining hall holding 4000, but it is remarkably well-organized and run,. Without a doubt, the best thing about the evening was the very impressive show in an equally-huge theatre, called The Elephant Palace. This was a very high-tech affair, encompassing acrobatics, pyrotechnics, lasers, huge sets, elaborate costumes and props, magic, singing and dancing, story-telling, and a full-blown thunderstorm recreated on-stage . What really blew us away, however, were the non-human performers. These included a troupe of 20 elephants, as well as oxen, goats, chickens (trained chickens, no less!) , and a flock of doves. Truly awesome!

So, the bottom line is that we're happy, healthy, and having a wonderful time here. But, now we are looking at our next destination, Singapore. We've just booked our flight, and now are trolling the hotel sites, looking for something in our budget range. Unlike Thailand, Singapore is pricey, so we'll be watching our pennies a bit more. We don't know how long we'll be there, but it's supposed to have tons to see and do. We're well-rested now, and ready to enter the intense sightseeing mode again. Our next blog entry will come from there. 

As always, we want to thank you for reading this blog (I've been asked for longer entries). I particularly want to thank you for your comments, both on the blog and in our email. We really love hearing from you.



It is so much fun reading your very detailed blog, that I feel like I'm there .
Thanks so much for sharing. Enjoy and be safe

Melissa Gold

Oh, I definitely want to go to Phi Phi island! Looks beautiful. And warm. I would love to be complaining about the heat, but I do that only when the furnace fails. Be glad that you escaped the snow and ice of February and March (probably). It looks like so much fun. And I can hardly wait t hear about Singapore! Travel safely!


Hey Bonnie and David,
So good to hear from you again. I'm thrilled that you are enjoying your visit to Phuket Island and "Pee Pee Island". You definitely hit the area at the perfect weather. I liked the buffet with a FEW of your nearest and dearest!! Just 4000!
Safe flight to Singapore and I anticipate another excellent blog from you no matter how long it is.


Another fantastic blog - thank you for taking us along on your incredible journey. Loved the part about the performing chickens! Safe travels to Singapore! Love, Hope

Vicki Novak

So glad to hear about the amazing beaches and warm weather. We are once again in a deep freeze here. Oh what a name, pee pee island. Reminds me of something I wish to forget. I love your blogs and photos. You both look well and glad you can travel and enjoy. Safe flight to Singapore.

Vicki and Martin

The Sunnies

At least YOU are enjoying the beach along with some gorgeous warm weather! We are waiting eagerly for another snow and ice storm predicted for Sunday night!!! Please enjoy this time away, as you relax and indulge!!!! Think of your poor frozen PA cousins and then enjoy so keep more!!!! Your blogs are always a pleasure to read and especially love your vivid descriptions of the people, country, and your adventures! Can't wait for the next you both!!!


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