Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
When embarking on such an extensive and intensive journey, preparation resembles a military strategic planning operation. Each phase of our upcoming trip has been researched and put into place, each bag item considered and reconsidered. Baggage weight is a key consideration, and 'nice to have' gives way to 'need to have'. All this done while concurrently trying to identify and deal with current matters as well as those that may arise in our absence. We have a house and a family to leave behind, not to mention abandoning Bonnie's pet vegetables just as they come to harvest. It's always a challenge, but this trip seemed to require more than we've ever had to face in the past. 'Oh, boo hoo', you might say, and you would be right. What sounds like complaint is just exhaustion, what feels like it will never end, will. Yes, we will soldier on in our preparations, knowing that we have this exciting trip ahead. As always, we wish for good health and little adversity on the road. Will reality cooperate? Will we be ready to go? Time will tell.  

Photos & Videos


Hope Springman

I am sure that this trip is going to be one of the best ever! We look forward to reading about your upcoming unforgettable adventure in your amazing blogs. Wishing you safe and wonderful travels! Japan and India will never be the same after the Liliens have visited! Love always!


As in the past, you will be well prepared for this new adventure, I am sure.
As in the past, we all look forward in sharing every little and minute detail of your new and upcoming travels.
Be well, be safe, enjoy and come home whenever you are both ready.
Good travels!!


Journey around the world?
Are we going to have you hear?....Any chance?...
The thought we might is so exciting!!!
Love you!
Enjoy your journey!


hear= here
(although having you hear my warm invitation is also great.. haha)


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