Off to Verteuil-sur-Charente

Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Château-Gontier, Pays de la Loire, France
I slept really deeply last night and was woken up by Mike giving me a cup of coffee, which was nice as it was my turn to make it. Fortunately his stomach problems of the night before, although not completely gone, have improved considerably.

We set off towards Angers, stopping at a Super-U for lemons and a few other bits . Lemon juice, honey & hot water (for once without added whisky) is Mike's latest cure for a bad stomach and it does seem to work.

After Angers we had 22km of straight road before a roundabout and then more straight road (90 kph). We got so excited when we actually came across a curve in the road that we bounced around in our seats with joy and behaved in a generally rather silly, childish way (what do they say about old people regressing to childish behaviour, doesn't bode well for us) - but we enjoyed it.

We didn't stop for lunch as I'd read that it was necessary to get to this Aire early as there aren't many places and it fills up quick. I saw it on a couple of my Apps but read the reviews on Camper Contact, one of which was by 'Time Traveller'. That decided us because Time Traveller are the friends that we are going to visit tomorrow.

On our arrival, through the narrow streets of the village, there were two spaces left so we were lucky. Three of the campers here are GB so we've had people to talk to.

The Aire is small but alongside parkland with picnic tables. A car came and parked in front of the English van next to us. The occupants got out and went for a walk. If the English people wanted to leave they couldn't have done. Very inconsiderate when, apparently, just the other side of the park there is a huge car park!

Tomorrow morning, we shall wander around and explore as Ken & Carole won't be home until 1:00 pm.



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