Macau Promenade & Casinos

Thursday, December 29, 2011
Macau Peninsula, Macau, China
I was trying to reach Macaus second fortress in Park Giua and made it to Vascot De Gama square named after a famous explorer. Somehow after the square I went the wrong way again. I was circling around the base of the fortress walls but there was no way in or up. 

After a while walking I realized I was going too far round. I could see the casinos and ferry area down below and wanted to go there but the wall was leading my too far around with no way out other than to walk all the way back. 

Eventually it led my down further past the ferry terminal and further than I had wanted to go. I started to walk back to the ferry terminal and decided to just head back rather than try to goto the casinos next door as I was tired and it was getting dark now, and who nows how long it will take getting back on an ferry.

Again crossing the road was difficult and the overpasses took me back to a casino across from the promenade that I had wanted to goto. So I was back on course and decided to check it out.

First there was giant wallled fortress like the great wall of china but it was closed. Next to that was volcano world also closed. Behind that you walk thru a roman ampitheatre and columns to alladins world which was also closed. 

After that the entire promenade was made to look like various regions of the world. There was louisana architecture, amsterdam, and dutch carribbean styles. Many of these were restaurants and shops with a grand hotel at the end, and babylon casino.

I knew there were free shuttles back to the terminal so I wouldnt have to walk but babylon didnt have one and told me to goto Sands across the road. Sands had three buses, one to the ferry terminal, one to the china border, and one to the airport so make sure to board the right one. 

As I didnt know what time I would be coming back I had an open ticket that said 10.30pm which was the last ferry. I thought I could make the 7pm and stood in line. However they let the people with 7pm tickets board first and we were all on standby.

They took a few dozen before the line closed and we had to wait for the 7.30pm. I had been hearing a few koreans during my trip and standing behind me were some more chatting away. Bored and with nothing better to do I asked them in korean if they were from korea and that I was from Daegu.

Dumbfounded they stood there jaw opened that a person looking like me was talking to them in korean in Macau of all places, coming to the realization I might have been listening to their conversation!. We got chatting and turned out they are two sisters from Daegu, but one has moved to gyeonngi province outside seoul. Eventually the whole family was talking to me in a mix of english and korean to each other.

We made the 7.30 ferry and this time I asked for a window seat sticker. Again the ferry was very bouncy on the sea water, giving motion sickness after riding in boats daily now. This time I ran and made it thru immigration in 5 mins compared to one hour arrival in macau.

I went back to Chung King Mansions and got a turkish grilled chicken with vegetables for $40 HKD ($4.80). Then did my online check in for friday nite and went to my room.

Watching the english tv channel Pearl the news had an item saying that only 12% of people consider themselves 'chinese' residents over hong kong citizens. A government representative dismissed the survey as 'illogical' stating all hong kong residents were chinese citizens, obviously missing the point of the question!

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